The most important video/book you will ever see/read


(KM) #21

The one thing that really did hit me was Casey basically saying that she got no training and was actually shut down and criticized, when she tried to steer convos at med school toward, “What is causing this symptom”. It simply wasn’t taught, possibly because the teachers didn’t know either, and dismissed as rebellious and irrelevant. That really still … :exploding_head: Not being taught to even wonder what’s causing the symptom, let alone learn the answer??? Any idiot can use a computer to match a symptom to a prescription, why on earth would it take ten years to learn that.


Have only watched part but will be sending it to friends after I am done. Thank you for posting.

I have been around doctors my whole life (socially not medically). I agree with her that if you are not an internist, most doctors can only see what is in front of them. Years ago one of my kids hadto have bloods done. I asked the specialist to also order TSH because I have Hashimotos. He said he could not because he would not know how to interpret it! Come on, it is not that complicated a test. They also tend to dismiss anything said by a non MD.

It makes sense and is something I wrestled with when starting keto. How could I possibly know more about T2 than someone who spends 40 hours a week treating people with T2? This was before the ADA approved low carb diets

They are trained to only look at one body part. A friend who has a mild form of cancer had some weird symptoms. The cancer was supposed to be in remission. They spent two years treating her weird symptoms (two of which almost killed her) before they finally figured out that this was an infection and not cancer (yes she does have cancer but that was not the problem, it was unrelated). She was seen by two different top medical places

(Geoffrey) #23

So you were easily manipulated by the leftist media.

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #24

Folks, this discussion is tending towards political argumentation, which experience suggests is a great way to promote fights and hurt feelings. Try to get back on track with discussing the points Dr. Means and her brother make in the interview.

Mr. Carlson’s politics don’t necessarily interfere with his skills as an interviewer. I’ve stopped watching interviews with guests and interviewers I agree with wholeheartedly, because the interviewer felt compelled to lecture the guest on his or her field of study. (And yes, I’m looking at you, Dominic D’Agostino! And wouldn’t you agree, Dr. Berry, that [insert fifteen-minute lecture here]? :smile:)

(Ethan) #25

Dr Ken Berry is the online person that got me to start eating Keto. For some reason, his messaging got through to me and I changed my diet to something that would be previously unthinkable.

Another person I’ve learned from who is perhaps more elegant is Dr. Mark Hyman. But Dr Berry is the one who got me to change.

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #26

I don’t mean to disparage Dr. Berry, because he has greatly helped me, too. I just meant to criticise his interviewing skills. He is certainly not alone; there are plenty of other people out there who can’t seem to remember to let the interviewee get a word in edgewise from time to time.

Actually, I’d like to get Dr. Berry into a discussion with some of my relatives. He has the folksy charm they would respond to and the education to back up everything he says. He suckers you in by starting out sounding like a hick back-country doctor, and he then hits you with how much he knows about health and nutrition and how much sense he makes.

(Ethan) #27

He basically just says “this is what you have to do and why you have to do it” and that works for me. For me, I don’t have diabetes or pre-diabetes but like probably 80% of the American public I did have some sort of metabolic syndrome going on, and keto for me is the cure.

Every now and then he does miss (IMO) by making too big a deal out of " 1/2 g carb" like a few drops of lemon juice or something. Also, I’ve seen him do 1 or 2 “attack videos” which (also IMO) he didn’t need to do.

When his Patreon comes back online I will subscribe just to help support someone who has been helpful.


Yeah that’s one of my pet peeves. Interviewers that constantly interrupt their guests, talk over them, have hyperactive interruptions, or when they do wait to speak they then dominate for like 10-15 straight minutes giving their own self-interview. Lol. I much prefer those that let their guests talk and know how to keep them talking about the important things.


I’m enjoying the video. I’m about half-way through it. It’s hard not to smile at the looks of surprise on the interviewer’s face at the information and the connections being made by the guests. I love the dynamic that the brother is a political lobbyist and that the sister is a doctor. They are well spoken and earnest. The story about their parents was great - encouraging the kids to ask questions.

It’s a reminder that what we know in the world is not known by many. I think that is also applied as a symptom of a mental disorder. Things seen, stories well told, are hard to ignore.

(Edith) #30

I think doctors turned podcasters are the worst culprits for this.


Low Carb MD podcast with Drs. Tro and Brian. :hearts: some of the stories, though.

(Sapient Fanny) #32

I listened to the book on Spotify, the bought the hardcover from Amazon.
Listen to the interview - even if you don’t like Tucker.
Write your govt representatives!!!
Tell your friends
The interview is available on Rumble too.

(Megan) #33

This made me laugh. Thanks! This is the kind of crazy the world needs a lot more of.