The Magic Pill

(Hugs & Bacon) #1

Watched the new Pete Evens documentary ‘the magic pill’ tonight. Wasn’t what I was expecting, it was very heavy on the Ketogenic and light on the Paleo.

Worth watching

The Magic Pill, grass fed meat, and sustainable agriculture
(Cheryl Hall) #2


I just watched the trailer for this movie it looks fantastic! Thanks for recommending it. Where did you watch it?

(Stickin' with mammoth) #3

Oooooo, this looks good. I think there’s going to be a lot more like this hitting the screen, the floodgates are open.

(What The Fast?!) #4


(Jeremy Storie) #5

Where can I find it?

(Roxanne) #6

Where did you watch it?

(Chris) #7

This is unsurprising:

The comments are sad, though.


I love all the non-doctors who insist on pointing out the fact that others aren’t doctors either. As if being a doctor gives you any credibility in terms of diet and nutrition. Those comments are a joke.

(Cheryl Hall) #9

@ Rian – I don’t want to read them … trolls!

I do, however want to see the film. :heart:


Pete Evans had quite a bit of interview time in the documentary on Netflix called “What’s with Wheat”. That’s a good watch!

(Stickin' with mammoth) #11

What sort of masochist reads the comments? Stop torturing yourself! Eat some bacon.

(Hugs & Bacon) #12

They did a fan force thing at a western Sydney Hoyt’s via a local health coach. It was a one off at our local at this stage

(Hugs & Bacon) #13

Just read the link…the funny thing is they obviously haven’t seen the doco as I do not recall them even mentioning Paleo once in it…idiots

(Jodi) #14

I would love to watch it, hopefully they release it as a rental/download soon.

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #15

The Daily Mail is a joke as well. (A very bad joke, unfortunately).

(Oscar) #16

If anyone is in Toronto, we are hosting it here on Feb 23rd, 8:30pm Regent Theatre.

Tickets Magic Pill

(chris) #17

you can rent or buy the download here

(Justin Hamilton (Hamenopi)) #18

I teared up watching the trailers.


This is the best keto domentary I’ve seen and I’ve seen most of them. If you’ve been keto for awhile you probably won’t learn anything new but The Magic Pill would be an excellent way to introduce someone new to keto concepts. The take the time to blast cheap oils and feed lot animals also which to me is crucial. You won’t be disappointed.

(Joanna) #20

Amazon has it for rent and purchase. Going to check it out tonight… Can’t wait.