The Case Against Sugar

(Jamie Hayes) #21

@mstandridgedds great review Matthew.

You may want to review the sentence “What Taubes does do is gives thorough evidence that very few others, even leading experts in the respective fields, have before.” which I don’t think reads well.

I’m glad to learn about the book The Gluten Lie.


(Jo Lo) #22

These health-topic books by journalists like Taubes and Teicholz are setting a new high standard for such works. They have both been criticized, often ruthlessly, for not being doctors but I think it is becomming obvious that it is a strength rather than a weakness.


I am listening to a Joe Rogan show #904 on YouTube and it sounds very much like what you heard. Not very familiar with the interviewer but the program lasts over 2 hours and so far it is very good. Gary Taubes is a great writer and speaker, so much research, so much truth. And so refreshing. I would recommend this interview to everyone.

(Cheryl Meyers) #24

I listened too, really good talk. Who is Rogan?

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #25

I’m glad that The Guardian is giving Gary Taubes some recognition at last.

Years ago, I tried to get them interested in “Good Calories, Bad Calories” (“The Diet Delusion” in the UK), but got almost no response. To be fair, one columnist, who seemed to have done something like low-carb off his own bat with some success, did reply in a friendly way, and promised to read the book, but I never heard back. I don’t know if they ever reviewed it, but if they did it must have been done in a low key way, because I didn’t see it, and I was reading the paper every day at the time.

(David) #26

Did you get it back?

(Keto in Katy) #27

Taubes and Nina do what most doctors won’t: educate themselves on the research into what actually optimizes health.

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #28

Taubes also has a good understanding of what constitutes the scientific method, and what does not.

(Brad) #29

Not earth shattering, but a simple mainstream start.