Test blood sugar, ketones, or both?

(Paulene ) #1

This afternoon I purchase a blood sugar and ketone tester and, in true form, started researching which I should test after I bought the tester. I have spent the last 90min reading through old posts on testing but am still a bit in the dark.

I am now 30kg (66lb) overweight but otherwise healthy (not diabetic) - I’m in this for the fat loss. :grin:
What measure should I pay most attention to? If I keep my blood sugar down, is that enough?

I have been testing ketones with pee sticks since I started 3 months ago but lately they have only been registering fairly minimal levels. I’m presuming I am in ketosis even if the strips don’t register but I will use the monitor to check anyway.
I don’t really want to be measuring blood keto multiple times a day due to the cost of the ketosis test strips - $1.50 each. :astonished::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

As I lose fat I am becoming more and more concerned about loose skin. I am thinking of doing EF to reach autophagy in the hope that I’ll recycle my spare skin. I’m not overly confident that I can do EF, to be honest, but I will give it a shot. I was hoping to use monitor to assess GKI so I know when I am in autophagy… does anyone else do this?

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #2

I’m not sure how useful it is to be testing glucose as a matter of course if you’re not diabetic, because your body will be secreting insulin to manage the glucose. The fact you’re keto makes it likely for your glucose levels to be in the desirable range in any case.

(I might be wrong on this! I’m perhaps naively assuming that glucose remains fairly stable in the non-diabetic population - it’s the insulin that fluctuates.)

And wow, blood ketone strips sound expensive! I have pee sticks in the cupboard in case I get ill and need to keep an eye out for diabetic ketoacidosis, but I can’t for the life of me remember when I last ever used them!

Am sure someone will be along soon to clarify your question, @Paulene!


(Paulene ) #3

Could be. I thought an increase in blood sugar triggered release of insulin except diabetics don’t produce sufficient insulin to combat (or use?) the high blood sugar.
I figured if I keep my BS levels down (BS being Blood Sugar not Bull Shit, which are always high for me anyway :laughing:) then I would not release sufficient insulin to switch to sugar burning mode. But I’m sort of making this up as I go.

(Bob M) #4

You should be able to get ketone test strips for $1/each. See this for instance:

When I started testing, strips were $5/each, then, later, if I went to Ebay, I could get them close to $3/each.

You should be able get blood sugar test strips even cheaper:

This is for the model I like to use.

(Paulene ) #5

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I’ll have to check if they are compatible. My unit is Life Smart

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #6

Yes - BUT I don’t think your pancreas waits for your blood sugar to get as far as actually rising - it’s already doing its job so that your blood sugar doesn’t rise.

But I never tested my blood glucose before I became diabetic, so I don’t know this for a fact from my own personal experience!


(Paulene ) #7

I have alot to learn. :roll_eyes:
I’ll start with measuring both BS and BK mid morning tomorrow.

(Ellen ) #8

Just an FYI Paulene, I buy my ketone strips on Ebay. Sometimes if I buy 2 packages or more I’ll get a $5 discount. Sometimes there are bids for strips and I can get them even cheaper. I check glucose to see if I’ve reacted adversely to certain foods like artificial sweeteners.

(Bob M) #9

Oh, I see, you’re not in the US. I don’t know if the Keto Mojo is sold overseas. I’ve also used the Precision Xtra monitor, but I don’t know if it’s sold overseas, either.

What I would do is test ketones maybe daily for a while, then periodically. Blood sugar is more interesting, but even that I only test daily or so.

In fact, I stopped testing both, but I’ve been doing this for over 6 years now. I can tell you what my blood sugar or ketones will be before I test.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #10

Well, now that you’ve made the purchases, you may as well use both for a while. Measure both at the same time as that will give you the most useful info for comparisons. Also, means a single hole in your finger! What you’d like to see is relatively high ketones and low glucose. But not necessarily at all times. If you can endure the pain and the mess, you could plot the two over the course of the day to see how each moves in relation to your meals and activities. I think @ctviggen has done this and can show us graphs of his measurements long term. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Paulene ) #11

Why is blood sugar more interesting? Do tell more.

(Bob M) #12

Well, blood sugar tends to fluctuate more than does ketones. That is, you can take ketones over the course of a day, and they might change but it’s usually not radical. Whereas, everything you eat has the potential to change blood sugar, quickly.

(Nalde ) #13

I am new in this forum!
Seems a lot inteligent and kind people.
Been on keto 10+ days and today first time in my life I tried keto sticks.
I was happy but then I read in Google that being in keto does not mean I am burning fat, if I eat more calories than I need… So I am confused?
Honestly speaking yes I eat a lot calories, mostly from butter and cheese…
Is there such a thing as Too much fat?? :confused:

I can’t do fasting… It’s not for me.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #14

My experience using a Ketonix to test BrAce was that ketones vary quite a bit and quickly over the day. Assuming (for what it’s worth) that BrAce has a relationship to acetoacetate concentration, since it’s the breakdown product, changes in BrAce concentrations reflect changes in acetoacetate concentrations in the blood. It’s not a direct 1:1 relationship because one’s a gas the other a liquid, but the gas is a useful estimate of the liquid concentration simply because you have to have a certain amount of liquid to produce a certain amount of gas. The guy who invented the Ketonix thinks this relationship is a better gauge of overall ketosis than measuring β-Hydroxybutyrate. I don’t know about that claim. But acetotacetate is the actual energy packet and it apparently transforms itself spontaneously into and out of β-Hydroxybutyrate. But neither measuring BrAce nor β-Hydroxybutyrate tells you much about how efficiently you’re utilizing them or fatty acids.

That’s why I have high hopes for Lumen after it finally arrives. Maybe we can finally measure the efficiency of fat burn directly, instead of guestimating from ketone measurements.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #15

Eat sub-20 grams of carbs per day. Eat as much fat and protein as it takes not to feel hungry. If you remain conscious you are burning fat. Not efficiently yet and you will get more efficient over time. You’re OK. Fine tuning comes later.

(Bob M) #16

If that’s the case, I’m never in ketosis. My ketonix levels were in the 60s, 70s 3+ years ago; now, they are in the 20s, 30s, sometimes 40s.

Then again, my BHB levels are around 0.2-0.5 in the morning, and used to be 1-2. I used to get above 4 while fasting multiple days. Alas, those days are gone. I got 1.9 after fasting 4.5 days, last fast.

(Paulene ) #17

@nalde This is a contentious question that has stimulate much debate on this forum.

Search ‘too much fat’ and you will come up with a number of threads dedicate to that topic.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #18

Isn’t that to be expected, Bob? As you gain in efficient fat adaptation fewer ketones are needed to tide one over. I think the absolute concentration of various ketones are only useful for folks who have specific health concerns that require some specific concentration, particularly of β - Hydroxybutyrate.

(Bob M) #19

I don’t know. I see arguments that higher ketones are better, say from a weight loss perspective. While I don’t think this is true, I also don’t know. And I’m an outlier. You don’t find many people on this board with 6 years of low carb/keto. And I do want my ketones “higher”, as I have idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, a type of heart failure. There’s evidence the failing heart likes ketones.

But realistically, I have thousands (over 2,000) tests of breath, blood, and urine ketones and different blood sugar levels. And I could never tell anything. For instance, does eating protein lower ketones? My test results were inconclusive.

About the only things that are true: fasting for more than one day causes ketones to go up; exercise typically causes a blood sugar increase and ketone decrease (though this depends on the exercise and even this doesn’t pan out all the time).

That’s all I could determine after 2,000+ samples.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #20

That’s why I’ve pretty much given up on Chasing the Elusive Ketone* and hope the Lumen will be more useful. Of course, I don’t have anything specific requiring ketones, that I’m aware of. Other than just having some as a marker of ketosis.

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