Taking the plunge - 3 day fat fast started at 8am today


(Teresa Driver) #1

Just finished crawling all over the web learning about regeneration of beta cells in mice and humans when doing what was essentially a 5 day fat fast. Mentally I’m not ready for 5 days, but I am willing to go 3. My plan is 6 egg whites, 8 tbsp of butter, 4 cups of coffee, and 1/4 c. of heavy whipping cream spread out over the course of the day. Probably it will be coffee and cream morning & mid afternoon, scrambled egg whites in butter for lunch, and just the butter in hot water with salt the rest of the day. I plan to report in and journal about how it goes here.

(Ethan) #2

Sounds good, but eat the whole eggs. The yolks are the best part and have the fat you are supposed to be eating!

(Teresa Driver) #3

Normally I’d agree with you, as I eat 4 eggs every morning with heavy whipping cream and salt. For these purposes though, I’m trying to do zero carbs which nixes the egg yolks but accounts for all the added butter :smile:

(Ethan) #4

Interesting. I never considered that. I’m on a water fast right now (72 hours). I think it’s actually easier to be zero food than zero carb, but still eat.

Perhaps you can add half an avocado to the mix. That can substitute pretty evenly for some of the heavy whipping cream and give some variation of flavor. For some good flavor, many eastern European people will fry fat…something like this: http://www.slovakcooking.com/2010/recipes/pork-cracklings-skvarky/

My family did it without the milk, so its really just pure fat.

(Teresa Driver) #5

I am giggling over the idea of fried lard, not because I think it’s silly, but because I actually had a doctor tell me one time that if I would eat more fruit and less “fried lard” I would lose weight. You have made my day.

(Cece Blackstock) #6

Super interested to see how this goes for you… thanks for including us!

(carl) #7

I think youmight have something backwards, unless I misread you. Egg whites are more protein. Egg yolks are more fat.


Way to go, and I agree on the whole egg, eat the whole delicious egg :smiley:

(Teresa Driver) #9

It’s about carb control. I have the right ratios (90%fat, 10% protein), but since I eat less than 5 grams of carbs a day anyway, I am dropping the whole eggs during the fat fast. That’s all. Normally people can have my egg yolks when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers lol.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #10

Let us know how you do, I will be following.

I’m with @carl on this: 99% of the fat is in the yolk so the whites are giving you protein only.

Is 0.6 g carbohydrate per egg yolk really too much?

(Teresa Driver) #11

At this point, in my body, yes 0.6 grams of carbs per egg yolk is too much.

Rant Warning, It’s not personal :sunglasses:

I have been consuming fewer than 10g of total carbs for the last 6 weeks. It is the reason I finally got into nutritional ketosis. Anything that tastes sweet triggers an insulin response for me. More than 10 grams of carbs total and I fall out of ketosis. It sucks, but it is what it is. I eat whole eggs every day. The egg white is just for the fast! And believe me when I tell you that with 68kg of body fat to draw off of I am pretty sure my body can draw on its own stores. When I chose this menu for this particular fast I did it because I want to see if I can help my pancreas out and convince my body to use it’s own fat. However, because of the adrenal issues I don’t want to do a 3 day water fast.

I am working with a medical team to try to figure out why I am not losing fat, why my blood pressure is still high but my serum sodium is low, why I have symptoms of Cushing’s and yet I have hypocortisolism, and why I can’t seem to get my ovarian cysts under control or my fasting insulin below 17.

TL:DR: I am two years into hardcore biohacking, y’all. I know what I’m doing.

(KCKO, KCFO) #12

Keep us updated and good luck with your n=1.

I’m interested because I have reached maintenance phase, so fasting is harder if just liquids, I need to add a bit of fat so I have been toying with the idea of a fat fast.

(Teresa Driver) #13

OK. So 25 hours in, and I feel really good. Compared to 25 hours total fasting for Yom Kippur, fat fasting has been a snap. Last night did call for 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise for variety because I was over butter at that point. I woke up at 2:45am today with muscle spasms, so waddled my way to the kitchen for some lite salt in water. Took care of it right away, and I woke up at 4:45am refreshed and ready to go. This morning I’ve had 3 cups of unsweetened coffee and 2 Tbsp of HWC. I’m alert, and relaxed, and I think I may be on to something.

Off-topic: send me egg yolk recipes because it seems a shame to waste them and DH is always trying to get more fat into his menus. TIA

(Bacon, Not Stirred) #14

I’m jealous. I actually struggle a lot with eating a whole egg. I dislike the yolks, and much prefer just eating whites. While that’s good if you’re not keto and just watching fat and calories, yolks are necessary when you’re keto - it’s where all the fat is!

(Teresa Driver) #15

Maybe use the yolks as ingredients for other stuff. They thicken meat drippings beautifully. Right now I am trying to come up with a use for the ones I’m not eating (besides baconnaise cause that’s already in the plan), and I think I may make the husband some egg yolk & almond flour crackers.

(Bacon, Not Stirred) #16

Whaaattt…!? Like, to make a gravy?! OMG can you be my new best friend?

(Teresa Driver) #17

Yes. Just pull about half your drippings and let them cool before you add the yolks to them. Whisk that up and then whisk the mixture into the warm drippings. I just dropped them in to whisk the first time and I wound up with egg drop au jus. It was tasty but the texture was off-putting lol.

(Teresa Driver) #18

Put enough butter in them and egg whites aren’t that bad. Not switching off whole eggs forever, but let’s just say that butter makes everything better.

(Ethan) #19

YES! I went to a wedding recently, and everybody looked at me funny as I opened the packaged butter pieces–meant for dinner rolls–and wrapped a slice of London broil around each butter piece. I know they all thought, “so that is why he is so fat!”

(Teresa Driver) #20

As I have told more than one co-worker, “Any diet that lets me have unlimited beef, butter, and booze I can stick with.”