Sugar free drink flavouring UK?


(Jacqui) #1

Can anyone recommend any brands of sugar-free drink flavouring available in the UK (high street or online)?

I have been using some citrus flavour electrolyte tablets, but I think they are now affecting my number 2s! :flushed:

So I am planning to try my own recipe that I found on here, but would like some flavouring for variety. The drops sound a good idea as the package will be small, but I am open to larger quantities also.

Any recommendations, please? Many thanks!

(Allie) #2

Personally I like these -

(Jacqui) #3

Thanks, I’ll take a look. I’m still experimenting with sweeteners (generally trying to avoid them) and have found I don’t react well to Xylitol. I think I am ok with sucralose but not tried Stevia yet. I have heard people are generally ok with Stevia though.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #4

It’s very idiosyncratic. You just have to experiment with the different sweeteners, so that you can figure out which ones work for you and which ones you have to avoid.

I have found that after a couple of years without sugar, I need much less sweetness. For example, unsweetened chocolate, which used to taste unbearably bitter to me, is now quite tasty. I have to be careful when cooking for carb-burners, because they don’t like the lack of sweetness when I go by my own taste.

(Jacqui) #5

Thanks. I have found that I don’t react well to Xylitol, Aspartame and Acesulfame k. Sucralose seems ok.
I’ll have to try a few options.

I have already discovered I now prefer less sweetness, after less than 6 weeks, so I’ll watch out for cooking for carbivores too, thanks.