[Study] High Protein on Resistance-trained Individuals

(Chris) #1

Just saw this tweeted by Shawn Baker, MD. I haven’t had a chance to read through it yet as I’m at work but the summary of the methods was a little unclear. This may be poor science. Thoughts?

(Chris) #2

Okay so the method to me is a little bit bad, and this doesn’t relate to ZC really.

They took people that have been training for 6 to 8 years and had half stick with their normal diets and half consume 4.4g per kg. In order to reach these amounts they were supplementing MusclePharm whey and casein. To me, that’s a big, carby, milky no-no. Food intake was tracked with MFP - so these folks had the capacity to lie on the results. Obviously most studies are going to be conducted in this way, and I think it’s leaps and bounds better than annual food surveys. I just wish all of these studies could model Stefansson’s Bellevue studies. Meaning locking down the participants and having someone else follow their food intake (a researcher). Obviously I live in a dream world with unlimited funding.


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