Studies showing Sweeteners that Raise Insulin Levels?

(Central Florida Bob ) #39

Could it be it’s actually getting “rewarded” with a high carb diet? An “embarrassment of riches” - too much food - is harder to deal with than the unrewarded preparation for carbs that never come?

We’re getting away from things that can be tested by experiment when we talk about justifications. It’s like the “thrifty gene hypothesis” that used to get talked about more than it does now. It said people got fat because we were programmed through ice ages and other threats to store fat whenever possible. The ones who wasted energy and didn’t store fat when times were good died when times were tough. Nice idea, but how can you test that? And then what do you do about it? (obviously, eat keto!)

I’m familiar with Dr. Bikman - at least in the sense that I’ve watched a few of his videos. From what I know, he’s right. As Dr. Fung said, “I can may you fat. I can make anyone fat. I just give you insulin”.

(Bunny) #40

That combination right their is what’s so bad about the whole thing (yuck!). Compared to test conditions where only HFCS is used and does not trigger insulin like its friend a/k/a artificial sweeteners.

The other processed sugar like table sugar or cane sugar mixed with beet sugar (refined/bleached) so it looks pretty and has all nutrients and now rare trace elements removed like vital minerals and some vitamins.

Here is a small list below (what is supposed to be in natural sugar but IS NOT when it is refined), now what happens when you go on a ketogenic diet; WHAT GETS DEPLETED?

  • Vitamin B6: 14% of the RDI.
  • Calcium: 8%of the RDI.
  • Potassium: 16% of the RDI.
  • Copper: 10% of the RDI.
  • Iron: 10% of the RDI.
  • Magnesium: 24% of the RDI.
  • Manganese: 30% of the RDI.
  • Selenium: 10% of the RDI.

The electrolytes that get depleted the fastest?

Is that not strange?

Would it be that refined sugar somehow or someway compensates for that loss when we are eating this processed or un-natural form of sugar and then when you go keto all that extra water (hydrostatic or dynamic pressure) suddenly gets flushed (water weight) from the body with some of the major but vital electrolytes?

Another thing, when insulin is triggered; guess what it is pushing into all your cells and internal organs (or trying to); ONLY 100% REFINED AND PROCESSED PURE SUGAR (composition of supplied sugars and glucose) without its accompanying sister or natural combinations in ratios of vitamins, trace elements (periodic table of elements) and minerals that are supposed to come with it (components and composition of insulin; inc. sulfur), as is the same with glucagon?

(karen) #41

My problem with erythritol, including Swerve, is that’s I absolutely hate the cooling effect. I limit its use to cold desserts. I have been using Lakanto brand monk fruit sweetener. Interestingly that has erythritol as the first ingredient followed by monk fruit, but it seems to reduce the cooling effect. But I have yet to fine a brown sugar replacer. I’ve tried allulose, but it seems a little bitter to me.

(Central Florida Bob ) #42

I’ve come to be alright with the cooling effect, although I never hated the effect so it probably wasn’t a long trip. I’ve never tried monk fruit.

I don’t particularly like Swerve’s regular blend because it doesn’t dissolve well in coffee or tea (my couple of teaspoons of erythritol a day). I guess it’s the oligosaccharides that leave a gritty residue in the cup. OTOH, for pure taste, I think the confectioner’s sugar and the brown sugar Swerve both knock it out of the park. I tried putting some confectioner’s sugar Swerve in coffee and it also left a gritty residue.

I’m thinking of trying glycine. From what I hear, glycine supplementation has some merits and glycine has a sweet taste. Whether it’s a good idea to be taking a couple of teaspoons a day of glycine or not, I need to look into.

(karen) #43

I was Li Soto a 2018 ketodudes podcast and Richard Morris was talking about using glycine as his sweetener and he thought it might have also lowered his fasting insulin. Very interesting.


I’m playing with glycine now. It is a bit sweet and the amount you’d need daily depends on how much other proteins you’re eating. I could reasonably sweeten 3 cups of coffee with about 6g, but then my sweetooth has dramatically decreased. I’m using it along with collagen pre-workput for connective tisuue.

Here’s a topic about what Richard did with glycine. I share his MTHFR status…

(karen) #45

Thanks you!

(Central Florida Bob ) #46

Thanks for those links.

I also have one of the MTHFR defects - IIRC, one leads to very large decrease in methlyation (70% decrease comes to mind) and the other to about a 1/3 decrease. I have the less severe one. A note I saved from SNPedia last year when I got the report says it’s referred to as 1298 or A1298C.


I have the hetero C677T, which is allegedly a -35% hit on methylation. Strange thing is, my raw data dose not include the other snp, so I don’t know how much more compromised I am than that. :woman_shrugging:

I use Methyl B’s and pay attention to choline also.

(Central Florida Bob ) #48

Did you ever read 23&Me’s take on the MTHFR genes? I just stumbled across this while looking at my old Promethease report.

Despite lots of research – and lots of buzz – the existing scientific data doesn’t support the vast majority of claims that common MTHFR variants impact human health.

I experimented with methylated B vitamins and could find no differences in how I felt. I’ve run across references to people saying it made a difference in their lives, and can’t say the same. Just lucky, I guess.

Back to glycine, not too long ago, Scott on the Carnivore Cast interviewed Dr. Paul Saladino - a very technical, geeky interview. Dr. Saladino talked about the glycine-methionine balance and said too much glycine is much better than too much methionine.

Unfortunately, it’s a long podcast (90 minutes) and I don’t see how to get a quote out for you.


The bane of my existence! Also, YouTube as a source. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thx, I’ll read up on the latest MTHFR thinking. I’ve been going largely by CMJ’s research on the topic.

I actually started supplementing with those because my mother was diagnosed with full-blown celiac disease long before you could buy a gluten-free anything. Knowing my MTHFR status made it seem more likely I have multiple shortcomings.

(Jane Srygley) #51

I am listening to Dr. Fung as I write this. I’m very intrigued by IF/EF. I decided years ago I couldn’t do it but now I’m thinking maybe I can and should!

I love that he is so focused on the issue of insulin as I think that his my real problem. Blood sugar is only part of the issue because I am constantly putting something sweet in my mouth, be it gum, sugar free protein bars or shakes, tea with stevia, you name it. I think that and the frequency with which I’m eating (every 2-3 hours throughout the day) along with the fact that I’m 56yo (Dr Fung says that old fat is harder to get rid of) are all factors in why losing weight has become so hard for me… Not to mention menopause :flushed:

(Jane Srygley) #52

OMG yeah that’s nuts!!!

(Central Florida Bob ) #53

With the exception of that one, I’m with you on most of that. :grin: I think I’ve got something going wrong and I need to try to figure out what. My Alternate Day Fasts (or 42-6 time restricted eating :crazy_face: ) doesn’t seem to be doing anything for me. It’s a bit of a story, so I won’t go into it all here.

(Jane Srygley) #54

I don’t understand what that means…

(Central Florida Bob ) #55

Fast for 42 hours eat for 6. It’s what my alternate day fasts work out to be.

Maybe it’s easier by example. On Monday, I was done eating by 6PM. I didn’t eat again until 42 hours later, which was noon today (3 hours ago). I’ll eat dinner tonight at 5:00 or 5:30, finished by 6, won’t eat again until Friday at noon. I don’t really eat for 6 hours - it’s just the “eating window”. I suppose I could, but I don’t have that much room.

(Jane Srygley) #56

Makes sense. Honestly that scares me a bit that you aren’t finding that helpful… I am thinking of doing a 36 hour fast to start and am really hoping this is really helpful for me.

(Central Florida Bob ) #57

I’m probably a bad example, so don’t get too concerned. Lots of folks succeed with IFs and OMAD.

(traci simpson) #58

I just listened to Dr. Berry’s FB post on this very subject and there are over 30+ “non sweeteners” that will trigger insulin. I think the goods ones were Erythritol, truvia, and I think one more that he mentioned…zylitol I think. These will not trigger insulin.