Stuck at a Plateau

(Athena) #1

Hi everyone! I started Keto on August 2, 2017 at 271 lbs. On February 15th I was down to 208 lbs! Yay! But since then that’s about where I’ve hovered. At one point I was at 205 lbs, but since that time the scale has gone back and forth, mostly staying between 207-208lbs. Since February 15th I have lost 1” off of my belly and hips, and ½” off of my waist, just no pounds. Am I being greedy to wonder why I haven’t lost weight?

I eat OMAD Monday thru Friday, and my one meal I try to eat between 3pm – 5pm. On Saturday and Sunday I eat lunch and dinner. My carbs are usually around 10 a day. I’d love to be able to fast longer, but every time I try, I just can’t.

I’d love some suggestions/comments.

(Rob) #2

6 months is where the body seems to get bored with whatever awesomeness you’ve been giving it, no matter how good.

As I’m sure you are aware, there is a whole sub forum to search with every sort of advice and experience… but unfortunately n=1 is the only way to find out.

The fundamental advice is always - SHAKE IT UP! :crazy_face:

Do things different from what got you here:

  • Carl upped his fat in an OMAD mode (but that was different from what he had done).
  • Some go from OMAD to 3 meals a day
  • Some raise protein and cut fat, others reverse that.
  • Everyone seems to KCKO - if you are at an IR set point you need to let your body and IR levels catch up to each other before you can lose again.
  • You could even up your carbs a little? :scream:

Work out a strategy different from your current approach and try it. Good luck.

PS - How could I forget - also consider various other forms of fasting…

Podcast #119 - Nina Interview - Question about Carl's stall
Lengthy Stall and changing it up
(Athena) #3

@Capnbob, I didn’t know about that sub-forum. I’m headed there now to check it out. Thanks!

(Karen) #4

Such good advice, Rob. I had good luck with ADF, but on vacay now.



I love Rob’s suggestions but just want to point out (and regulars will start to think I’m a broken record on this particular issue): if you haven’t lost pounds but you’ve lost inches, then, congratulations: you’ve lost fat! :tada::clap::tada::tada::tada::grin:

(Athena) #6

The stall is no more! It’s happened by moving my one meal a day to earlier in the day. Now I’m eating around noon or 1pm. And OMG, I’m out of the Terrible-Twos and into One-derland! This morning I weighed in at 198! Woo hoo! In addition to that, yesterday I bought my first new bra since starting this WOE, and I can’t believe what size I’m down to!

I’m so happy!

(Karen) #7

Whoot, whoot!!