Stevia increase hunger?

(saud) #1

Does Keto sweeteners like Stevia and Erythritol increase hunger?

I use it almost everyday in my tea, and sometimes in food, so if its effecting my hunger, I will cut it out.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

Some such sweeteners can have that effect on some people, while others do not. And one that affects person A may not affect person B, and vice versa. Only you can determine whether stevia or erythritol has that effect on you yourself.

(Joey) #3

Here’s an oldie (but moldy?) post I offered over a year ago on how pure stevia extract affected my blood glucose readings using a Mojo. Might be of some interest, as cautioned above, as an n=1 data point. Everyone’s reactions are different.

I appreciate that your original question above was around hunger. Much of one’s hunger is hormone-driven - most of which are affected by insulin levels. So bear with me: I suspect this is still relevant to your original question in the sense that - if one’s glucose/insulin are not affected by stevia - it would not likely affect that individual’s hunger level either. (Unless we’re talking about purely habit-based psychological associations of flavors with the urge to eat … which is certainly a real issue for many when changing eating patterns.)

Food for thought. If you an perform a similar experiment on yourself you might discovery things about your own metabolism that cannot reliably be answered by the experiences of others.

Best wishes :vulcan_salute:


It’s surely individual.
I don’t think they affect my hunger BUT (and that’s why I am not completely sure) many of us easily eat a lot of sweet stuff when we wouldn’t eat normal food… To me, carbs are the worst, they make me hungry (and less well) but sweets can boost my calories too without any need for more fuel…