Lastnight in the motel I put some chicken (from Saturday’s sous vide) in an egg wrap, topped with cheese and microwaved it for dinner.
Most of the chicken is still in the cooler so some chicken salad for lunch maybe, and a boiled egg. Then another wrap in the motel tonight. Home to VA tomorrow night.
Stay-On-Plan September - ZC Carnivore 30 day challenge September 2024
It’s crazy how easily we can stay on plan with a few simple ingredients. Of course, it helps if, like me, you don’t get bored easily with the same food.
Day 3? Mostly on plan. No eggs or dairy. Ground beef for lunch. Chuck steak for dinner.
We lost our Nellie-dog today. Her hip gave out (and she was very old with congestive heart failure). She had a really good day yesterday and took a bad turn in the evening. I let her sleep in the room with me last night because I knew it was probably her last night. I’m allergic to dogs.
Today, lots of caffeine and finally broke down and had a cup of coffee, a decongestant, and two kinds of antihistamine. I can finally breathe and don’t feel like caterpillars are crawling on my face. I also tested for Covid just in case. Going to bed early.
Nellie two years ago. She was much more grey this last year, but this is a good picture.
Aww Bean how terribly sad. Very sorry to hear about Nellie. You did everything you could even sleeping with her when you knew it would activate all your allergies. You’re a good mom. Rest in peace, Nellie
So sorry about Nellie. Glad you shared her last night together.
Hope you feel better soon.
@Karen18: Oh, little Freddy is as wonderful as he was before except even better, wow, kids are standing in his age already? He is so very young! I didn’t know what we missed since you brought his photos, they make me smile each and every time so I wish to encourage you to do it more often if you like
@JJFiddle: Well Alvaro can’t go that very far, he really needs his grains and desserts. The vegs too but he can eat lunch that is void of a veggie dish, the little raw vegs are the important things! And he can eat meat every day now, it makes my life easier… But I need to get used to not all meat (except what I cook for both of us to begin with) is mine.
I used to make 2 different chocolate sauces, one for me, one for him. It’s chocolate, it doesn’t need to be sweet at all. But I wanted mine to be fattier as well. Carnivore took away my desire for chocolate, sometimes I still eat a bit on an off day but it’s not that important or enjoyable anymore. But I am not into my carni ice cream either, I just can eat it when I need “something else” in the end of my meal sometimes. Interesting, I used to LOVE creamy things, I still love yolk and cream, sometimes I do want dessert so why? Beats me.
I tracked, well as much as it’s possible with fatty meat… So the fat macro is surely off.
Yesterday was 3MAD with a huge eating window (8 hours), quite simple for me, I had pork shoulder (about 590g), pâté and dry sausage (little), some eggs and extra yolks, quark, sour cream and milk. Only 3 dairy items, it’s very modest from me. Guesstimated 155g protein, 206g fat and 24g sugar (20 from dairy). Nice meaty day (about 650g), way over my energy need but there is no way around that if my main meat is freshly made pork shoulder.
I wonder how I could lower my fat intake but I don’t think I have a way until I run out of pork. I don’t have extra egg whites, I may try to eat more quark without adding extra fat (I can add eggs, I have found a quark-y carni recipe I made once…)… The meat won’t be as fun as yesterday, the almost-scratchings were fabulous and I ate the fattier parts of the roast… So hopefully my meat intake will drop a bit? I can eat some fish too.
I will be more careful later, using liver or lean pork as my base. But it’s nice to have fatty meat for a while even if pork shoulder isn’t my fav. It’s still okay and very easy to eat (see my 2 days when I reached 1 kg without any effort whatsoever. that was a really tempting roast, this one is leaner). I had proper carni days so long ago last time so just sticking to the woe should be enough in the very beginning. It’s very easy now and I obviously enjoy my food better than before (even though I had some extremely delicious carbier items). It’s not really the taste of my food yet (as I wrote, pork shoulder isn’t exactly my fav though making it almost-scratchings is a superb idea) but the lack of eating in a way too big eating window and even unnecessarily because I just can’t resist And of course, my body has problems with much more carbs even if I doesn’t feel unwell. The occasional justified off eating is fine for me but I shouldn’t stay. And I just couldn’t come back for too long
I had enough but still couldn’t. I need much more change… I hope this autumn/winter/spring will bring it. Summer is problematic for multiple reasons but it’s over (we still have summer but heat isn’t enough. not even the fruits but I tasted them already anyway and had more than enough).
I surely will need new recipes or just remembering the old ones but nope, I need new ones as well. Anyway, I would miss making new ones after a while. Getting bored of meat is still a possible problem even if it’s not nearly as serious as years before, not even with my current, drastically reduced amount of eggs! It’s too hot for the hens of the egg lady now so we can’t get any from her, again. Winter is never a problem, the hens lay eggs just fine but a hot summer always is.
There is a beautiful place in our mountain range… And it is below 20C even now, I am so envious!!! But the very near (kinda reliable) forecast promises cooler, rainy times!!! It’s so close!
It seems the cold record broke today. There is a place in a far away mountains with its special microclimate where that could happen. It had frost.
We will see what the heat record will do but it will either break or we get super close.
My room is fine now as I let the air in at night, mosquitoes or not. I never had problems with them but Alvaro complained that they came in, went through the little slot below my door and bit him. But it made my room super hot. We really need an A/C upstairs too. It’s downstairs as its main role is heating (super cheap! our electricity bill is so tiny now!) and the hot air comes up just fine but we need cooling (and drying the air) more and more as time passes.
New heat record for Hungary. And the minimum temp in some places got higher than ever too…
If I have fried/roasted pork, eggs and some dairy, I can handle 1-2 days (unless temptation/compulsion hits but with determination or need to stay low, it’s very much doable and enjoyable). I can’t go much simpler than that without complaining at least. Meat (mostly pork), eggs, dairy, I need them all every day…
Today I started to eat early again, first just a tiny bit and it resulted in grazing until lunch, basically… I had quark, cheese, pork and eggs today. And milk but I run out now so it will be cream or maybe not even that but I am not good at skipping both even if I don’t drink coffee. As I don’t do that.
Still no food pics, maybe tomorrow.
And I better send this already, even without my tracking results (that probably doesn’t interest anyone except me anyway).
I will try to be more concise in the future!
My condolences… She had a long life with loving people around him, that may be some comfort (and that she had a nice day yesterday, she had no long suffering then?) but of course it’s heartbreaking. I hope we will have our 4 cats for a long time to come, they are still pretty young! They are just outside cats, not close companions but we have bonds. If I see Ginger next time, I will hug her - not like I don’t normally do that.
Thank you all. Nellie was supposed to be an outside dog, but she was afraid of the dark. (I am not kidding, sigh). Her very favorite thing to do was sneak into the room so she could sleep with her human pack.
This became my superpower on carnivore! I think I had bacon cheeseburgers 5 nights a week at the start, I kept waiting to get tired of them but I never did! Totally delicious each and every time And more delicious than before I went carnivore, even though I was keto for three years, really blew my mind.
On plan day 4.
Ground beef for lunch.
Chuck steak for dinner.
Water… and a cup of coffee. I will drop coffee on Saturday after interviews tomorrow and Friday.
Last month I gave up my tea and have gone caffeine free and plant free. After a month I don’t miss it.
This month I’m getting back to hitting the free weights. I’ve gotten down to my lowest I intend to go which is 165 lbs but I’ve gotten so weak that I’ve got to get back to lifting.
When I measure I’m not seeing any muscle loss but I’m definitely weaker.
So the start of September starts the beginning of hunting season in Texas and it kicks off with dove hunting.
Opening day was a little slow but I managed to get my limit of 15 birds the first day but got rained out the second day. They are a very challenging bird to hit as they are very fast and good at dodging in mid flight. Small but tasty.
Smoked up 15 dove breasts wrapped in bacon along with a rack of spareribs and a flat iron steak.
Mighty good eats.
I’m a pansy… I skip right past the guns and dead animals… and salivate over your smoked meats that I pretend do not come from cute cows etc… La la la….
There is a native wood pigeon here called the Bronzewing. Early settlers would eat them as doves and pigeons were normal food last century. But a condition showed up called “Poison Pigeon” in the summer months. What was happening was the birds were eating the seeds of a plant called, ready for it, the “Egg and Bacon” plant. For it’s flower colour. The plant is very toxic. The toxin is something called “1080”, ten-eighty, or monofluoracetate. It’s a key ingredient in fox, wild dog and cat baiting programs. It causes seizures and death. The animals ate the whole bird including the crop (that held fermented seed) and the bones, where the toxin accumulated. It is a cautionary tale about, ‘you are what you eat,’ and also knowing about the whole ecology of where one lives, and knowing the connections and links between plants and animals and human predators.
I like the guns and dead animals pictures as they are authentic and show us a part of our food gathering system. Shooting is regarded as a very humane method of killing. Killing for food, I think, is justified and sometimes necessary. The thing about hunting is that a good hunter is stealthy and quiet. There’s a ‘pop’ and that’s it. When I go fishing, I reckon I am more cruel because I catch the fish on a hook and drag it back to the beach. We don’t often dive into this topic as ‘carnivores’.
Egg and bacon plant (toxic)
They are already varied and of course it helps if you love the taste and other things!
For me, a single ingredient meal just can’t cut it. But a big peasant’s breakfast (egg, various meats, various dairy items) probably could do the trick! I wouldn’t want it every day but every day for a while? I can imagine that could work Especially if I used different meats and cheese every time
Not so easy for the meats as I always use lean pork, sausage and smoked pork BUT sausages are different, smoked pork is different and I may use chicken too…
I realized I am in my egg phase. I desire eggs. I don’t badly need them, I just desire them. The taste, the various textures in various egg dishes… I tried to limit
my consumption for multiple reasons, we don’t have many… But Alvaro says the egg lady have 40 for us tomorrow, yay!!! So I won’t keep myself back too much
Today I had egg milk (egg, extra yolk, cream), scrambled egg, soft-boiled egg, egg in my baked goods… Yum.
The main part of my lunch:
The baked goods have quark in it. I have recklessly bought 3 bags but I think I can handle it somehow. My next 2 weeks will be very quark-y. It’s my favorite carnivore flour, especially these drier ones. The star thing was made in the microwave but it will be even better in the oven. But it got crunchy! It’s my quark biscuit idea, I use boiled eggs as it can’t be too wet and I don’t have any dry matter. Good stuff.
I still happily eat my pork shoulder, it’s not a blissful thing but okay to eat but now I ate all the visible fat so I will add dry sausage… My lean days will come later I suppose. I have chicken thighs so I fry those next! Didn’t need to use my emergency fish (it’s for times when I am bored of normal meat).
I managed not eating until 2pm today, yay! So I will have a nice TMAD day, most probably. It’s good when things go back to normal.
It’s still hot, of course.
10 heat records in September this far (there are separate capital city records).
Today wasn’t carnivore, the culprit is almost obviously our own fruits, not much but not negligible. Oh well. Otherwise I am so good so I am not displeased. No regrets of course, they were fabulous. I need some better meat.
Dinner was a fried chicken leg and quark. Chicken is still not satiating for me, not even for my second meal. But with the quark, it was enough.
Today is a wee bit cooler, yay! I forgot to send this comment so I do it now.
Never heard about it before! And that dove pic (the alive one)… What a beautiful bird! We have quite pretty ones too but not THAT colorful and iridescent!
I agree. I am against unnecessary torture and high level of wastefulness. Some animal eat in a wasteful way but others eat the rest so all is “well”. It’s life.
I need to be a bit more careful. How quickly I forgot being in hospital last month and all my determination to avoid that again.
Last night a neighbour had an art exhibition opening. View paintings, chat to neighbours, have a glass of red wine. There were cheeses and cold cut meats, chicken wings, and ‘meat’ balls. But any of the sauce involved for flavouring was definitely sweet taste toxic. After about 90 minutes it was getting too crowded. So I left.
Lamb stew, made of diced Spring lamb, salt water, butter and bone broth for dinner. Early to bed, feeling a bit weird (wondering about a cold?), at 9pm. This is where I should have had the salty, beef bone broth. Salt is already in the broth but I add an extra half of a beef bullion cube, and lick some pink salt crystals. The salt lick is a test. If it tastes pleasant, I take that as I need it. If not, I drink the bone broth anyway as the dietary sodium helps magnesium uptake (that needs verification, it’s a memory but not necessarily knowledge). Maybe adding some coconut oil (MCT) will work better than salt*
At 11pm I woke in atrial fibrillation, chaotic beats up and down to about 150bpm. Dang. It’s easy to see the triggers after they’ve been pulled. I did this:
- Tested I could stand and walk safely
- Aspirin 300mg = standard tablet dose (it’s actually good in my experience versus the heart pain)
- Sipping salty beef bone broth 500ml over the duration of 30 minutes
- Loading dose of Magnesium citrate (equiv to 600mg Mg)
- Meditation breathing
- 20 minutes in had another dose of magnesium citrate (equiv to 300mg Mg)
- Kept breathing
- Within an hour of starting heart rate had normalised to 60bpm
- Mrs. Bear did not even wake up (it stresses her to see me having a “heart attack”)
Tired this morning. Up three times in the night, about hourly until 4 am, with full bladder - interesting to note the diuresis associated. This tiredness puts me at risk of poor food choices. I need to be alert. Work awaits in the city. I can keep it low key until 4pm, then I need to attend an event where we are releasing a virtual reality (VR) tech project used in primary school education to some state government ministers. That should finish at about 6:30pm, and I can go and get a steak and a full night’s recovery sleep.
Saddling up the horse again. Up into the saddle I go. I did not stay on plan, doh!
On plan day 5.
Coffee, leftover chuck steak, leftover lamb ribs, last of my chicken skin.
Good first interview. A couple of comments during and around the interview make suspect I might not be allowed to make the switch.
I’m decreasing another medication. Suddenly my thyroid med is too high. Tapering to 75% of my current dose. Yay for good health.
Another four interviews today. Definitely going to need a steak tonight.
I ate a chicken leg today for lunch and little else! I can do simple sometimes. I did eat an egg some hours before.
While chicken doesn’t satiate me well, sometimes it works for lunch. I need some proper food later but Alvaro bought me green ham and pork chuck so I can go back to lean pork (I mean the green ham, not the chuck but that isn’t too fatty either and much nicer than pork shoulder)! Slabs today are SOOO tiny! (Even Auchan stopped keeping big ones. And I rarely go to supermarkets with a meat counter. The local supermarket has one but not for pork.) He made sure all were above 1kg but just barely and meat is compact. They will be super tiny when fried… But probably enough for 2 meals as far as it’s all mine. And it is now. Alvaro has found some kale for himself, not like it could satiate him, it just gives him work (and joy). I don’t miss working with those unsatisfying things! But I liked it while it lasted, I have nice memories to think back. And no temptation, I wouldn’t enjoy them anymore. Sometimes I try and nope.
We go to the city tomorrow (we need to pick up some furniture, the lady who moved in, she and Alvaro’s Mom are BFFs and both lived alone, not nice, well she had two small enough cupboards for Alvaro’s room, they fit below the slanted roof that is the upper part of his wall! it’s not easy to find such ones!), I will buy some meat on sale (pork loin, hen! it was so long ago I bought a hen. I will buy 2 as the breasts will be Alvaro’s, for his curries and the breast of a teeny tiny hen, like 900g in total, isn’t enough. 2 is something) and I will be have serious supplies again!
I go for proper carnivore again, this week some fruits happened (and a beer. I managed 1dl), still pretty good week compared to my August… But now I will get more serious and I do my best not to eat too early and some super simple lunches would be good too. Like, only pork I am supposed to be able to do that, right? I won’t force it on me for the future but I really want to try it for a little while… Simple has benefits!
Well forecast was wrong. It said rain all around here both in the morning and in the afternoon. We had dry but cooler air, less sunshine so it’s good and the beginning of next week is supposed to be really rainy… The radar is promising since weeks, it’s near impossible not to get some rain…
I did had some coffee but not much. Good enough this far.
Oh! I managed to make some quite nice biscuits! Mostly quark, with a tiny bit of cheese and egg. Crunchy! But it took a very long time, partially because it was easier to use a raw egg this time, I have planned to use a boiled one but I didn’t bother now. So I can rest assured I can make some crunchy (at least crispy, some are softer, some are really good) biscuits on carnivore when needed! Yay. I can’t just live without such things and it was annoying I couldn’t do these even without restriction for the ingredients. But now I can do it carnivore and it’s protein rich! So it should help with my protein/fat ratio. I tend to eat too much fat with my protein and it’s very hard to change that as nearly everything I like is fatty. I am okay when I am into lean pork or liver but liver is too nutritious, sadly, can’t eat it often and lean pork get a bit boring after a while (though pork loin has nice sales lately and roasted pork loin is almost always a big joy unlike lean green ham. so I have options now, yay)… Quark is my ally but it took some time to figure out how to eat it without adding a lot of fat (or sweetener. interestingly, that removes the need for extra fat too).
I want lean options for the times when I can’t do fat or extended fast! I kinda had enough of being at my highest (measured) weight (and ~12kg over my weight when I started keto. I normally maintain on any diet but 2 times I got a 5kg gain. 1kg just happened slowly and I added 1 kg because I used to lose 2kg water weight whenever I went into ketosis and now I lose nothing, 0+2/2=1).
I am 80kg now. Or at least my scale says that, I don’t really care what the truth is. The object is reliable enough to see a trend and I use my eyes to see if I need to lose fat and how much but I won’t need that for a long time yet.
But my main priority is staying near carnivore and doing my lifting properly (as far as my lifestyle goes, I mean) so if I just gain some muscle or strength or get more energy, I won’t be super displeased but I do want to lose some fat already. I have been trying since IDK, 14 years? Much things happened, I like my journey. It could be better, stupid carbs but I do trying and feel fine, usually.