Starting Completely Over


Fantastic mantra!

And forward we go!

Have a fantastic day!

(Alex ) #22


Relate, been here many a time. Just remember how good you felt when things were going better, and donā€™t beat yourself up, no one is perfect.

(Roberta Worley) #23

Great to have you back!

Iā€™m still a greenhorn when it comes to this whole keto thingy. For my husband and me, itā€™s our last ditch effort after being on so many of those meaningless fad diets. Ugh.

This one is tougher than the Whole30 by far, but in a different way. Not really sure how to explain that.

We own our business and work out of the house. Staying on an even keel with intermittent fasting is one of the biggest challenges we face. Not to mention our twelve year old to be Border Collie. Heā€™s such an incredible exercising instigator! He loves it that we cook so much more at home now than we ever did when he was younger. Heā€™s so lean and full of energy still that it quite amazes both of us! And he really does work at getting us up to run him through our idea of agility courses. And he makes us laugh.

(Dawn) #24

Still struggling but getting better each day. Made a couple bad choices but Iā€™m not beating myself up. This is so very hard though.

(Dawn) #25

As of today I have been gone for four years from this forum. I am now a COW, like a literal cow. I am so completely disgusted with myself that I cannot even think straight. So once again I am starting completely overly.

BUT, I am jumping back in with complete carnivore for 30 days just to see how many body reacts. I have done Keto but not strict carnivore before. It should interesting. I lost most of my weight last time through EF which didnā€™t make me feel so great. I think fasting has a place, but maybe a bit more subdued like 3- Zorns instead of the 5, 7 14 day fasts that I did in the past.

For anyone doing carnivore, do you know if ham can be used instead of bacon? I am not a bacon fan. Also, is cheese 100% out of the question? I know Dr. Berry does not suggest it for the first 30 days.

I knees are so stiff and swollen that I can barely walk. My gut is a mess. My weight is an all time high. I feel like I just gave up when work became stressful. But now I have a chance to try again.

Alright friends. Sorry to knock this three year old past back to the top of your feed. But if you have any words of encouragement, I could sure use them.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #26

Ham should be fine for a carnivore diet. And I personally donā€™t see any problem with cheese, although some people might object. I donā€™t know why Dr. Berry doesnā€™t recommend it, but his thinking might involve (a) how much milk sugar (lactose and galactose) the cheese in question contains, and (b) whether you have any digestive problem with milk proteins. Myself, I can digest lactose, so thatā€™s not a problem, and I havenā€™t (yet) noticed any problem with milk proteins, so I would probably not worry about it.