Sous vide beef short ribs

(bulkbiker) #1

36 hours with the anova finished on our gas grill

as tender as fillet and twice as tasty… lots of great fat too.
Accompanied by buttery brussels sprouts with toasted prosciutto…

(matt ) #2

Very nice!!

(Lynda) #3

What is anova?

(bulkbiker) #4

one of these

(Lynda) #5

Thanks Mark!

(Joey Lewis) #6

Love using my Anova.


In the Cows episode of Ketovangelist Kitchen Carrie Brown said that beef short ribs were the highest in fat of anything off the cow and I’ve never had them, so they’re next on my list and those look delicious!

(Roxanne) #9

Is there a drooling emoticon? There should be!

(bulkbiker) #10

and they were the equivalent of $3.40 per pound… or £5.99 per kg for those in the UK like me.


Beautiful… will be trying these in the sous vide.

(bulkbiker) #12

they were really good… I put in a few drops of teriyaki sauce but it was very high sugar so a very little and just salt and pepper… I think next time I wouldn’t bother with the teriyaki as it didn’t come through in the flavour. The juices at the end (which are now in the fridge) smelt amazing!

(Shona) #13

Looks amazing what temp?
And just salt and peper?
I have some im wanting to cook

(bulkbiker) #14

Probably about 55 C I tend to do beef at 50-55C but this was a while ago so can’t remember exactly!