Sometimes I wonder just how important is protein

(Dustin) #1

So making some friends on different fasting fb groups, and I’m seeing some vegan (alkaline) body builders who lift on extended fast, and when they eat it’s basicly salad right…
(I forgot to say… they are getting BIGGER… it’s working I guess when you hear Megan Ramos say things like 72 hour fast boost HGH I guess she’s right. lol

Now I’m not giving up my keto frame of mind, and you better believe I’m going to eat my bacon, but watching these guys work, makes me think hmm I’ll eat meat when I want, but maybe I won’t worry about getting enough protein.

(Sonia A.) #2

I agree, we don’t need as much protein as we thought. Before I did some research, I was always worried about not eating enough protein. And it ended up being too much for ketosis.

But people who are vegan eat non-animal protein (from legumes), right ?

(Dustin) #3

the guys I’m talking to, don’t give it a second thought. the thought “oh I need protein” is not on their mind. I laughed and looked at a picture of a bull, and said yeah…he just eats grass, and look at him. lol

(Allie) #4

Gorillas are vegan I believe. They’re huge.

(Dustin) #5

right. :slight_smile:

(Chris) #6

Bulls also have 5 stomachs and a digestive system that can easily absorb the scant nutrients in grass. They also eat constantly.

(Doug) #7

You don’t see many real cases of “protein deficiency” in the developed world. I think that most of us would err on the side of more-than-enough protein, versus too little.

Cows are good at breaking down plant matter and digesting the cell walls/cellulose - they have the different stomach compartments for fermentation, etc., and specialized enzymes that kick butt on cellulose. It’s not a protein-rich diet, so they have to eat a whole lot. The first couple stomach compartments are for pre-digesting the plant matter, which gets regurgitated for more grinding - the cow “chewing it’s cud.”

(Siobhan) #8

In mine and others experiences if I do not eat enough protein, I get savory-food cravings (like chicken, beef, etc).
E.g. when I was trying to cut down on my protein intake to 50g per day, I miscalculated the amount of protein in what I was eating and ended up eating 25g per day two days in a row… after that I wanted to eat all the chicken.
So, I honestly wouldn’t even worry about it. It is more likely to eat too much protein rather than too little, because your body will let you know if there isn’t enough - and, rather interestingly, the amount of protein you need is generally about as much as most people eat already, with minor tweaking. Good self regulation, I would say.