Sometimes I get discouraged

(softail925) #21

Courtney. You are not alone. I think we’ve all had those feelings or close to. I know I have!!! Sometimes on a regular basis. BUT I know Im in this for life! I feel great! I think clearer! I’m off the meds! Yes, Ive only lost 17 pounds in 3 months, BUT…its not just about the weight loss or the inches loss…so more than anything, now we just need to keep calm and keto on! :+1:

(Courtney Lopez) #22

Statins are so dangerous…my husband had a heart attack and had a stent put in at 35 yrs old, hes taking blood thinner and they put him on statins…he was losing it! Forgetting where he was going, driving past destinations…i said no more of this shit! Hes doing much better and his cholesterol is normal now since starting keto :heart:

(Courtney Lopez) #23

Yes :heart: One good decision and meal at a time

(Kathy L) #24

I’d love for him to really start keto and get off the stuff. But he’s not there yet. I’m thinking I should have his mother read a few books - the big fat surprise being one. She has a stent in her heart, as well as a pace maker, and comes from a family with a long history of heart disease. She is elderly now, but very sharp.
I SO want my husband to tell his physician that I have normalized my BG, BP and Cholesterol by eating keto, and ask if he could do a 3 month trial and have his labs run again. But he’s following doctors orders / where I am NOT a doctor. sigh, sigh I’m trying to work on him (slowly).

I guess I should have explained it a little more here - he would respect his mother’s opinion on things - and she could convince him to try keto - where I may not be able to…

(Donna Jones Gardner) #25

We are in the same boat. 195 and my goal weight is 150. I stay away from the scale. Sure I may check in once a month, but I focus on how my clothes fit and the small changes I see in the mirror. Congrats on your weight loss, and best wishes on your last 40ish pounds.

(Guardian of the bacon) #26

I lost quite steadily up until my foot surgery in mid Dec. I’ve been eating more protein to assure healing. I’ve also been chair bound for the last 2 months.

I am now ready to get back on track, up my activity level and start losing again.

(Barbara Greenwood) #27

I hear you… I’ve been keto since July, the first 5 months were great with losses of 13lb the first months then between 7-10lb thereafter, but in December and January I lost less than 3lb each month. I have another 70 to go.

BUT - my blood glucose is massively improved (and now often normal), I’m down 3 sizes in clothes, I’m so much more comfortable and energetic, and although the woman in the mirror is still undeniably fat, she’s a lot more shapely than she used to be and she’s got a big smile on my face.

For me, having T2D kind of helps me stick with it, because on days when I relax on the carbs, I immediately see what it does to my BG. In order to keep my numbers in or close to the normal range, I have to keto. So I’ll keep on ketoing on and try to be patient for the weight. One things for sure - I’m a lot better off than I used to be!

(Laura) #28

I just think about how good I feel. I have lost a lot of weight but now I am on a slowdown. And there are other markers, my blood pressure dropped to low so I stopped the blood pressure meds. Instead of driving the 1/2 mile to the store, I am walking and just buying a few things so I have to go often. I have started back on my rebounder on the days I don’t need groceries. Never have been big on walking without a destination and reason, but that is just me. I definitely stopped weighing myself and still loosing inches and now I get depressed over the fact I am going to have to buy smaller clothes soon as I am living in Las Vegas and it is starting to get warm and all of last year’s summer close fall off of me.

And this keeps me from being depressed over the now slower weight loss.


You know what that means…shopping at the outlets!!! :heart_eyes: I’m so jelly! :sunglasses:

(David) #30

Try not making weight loss your focus. Think about NSVs, maybe you walk more now, use tighter notches on your belts, clothes are loosening up, maybe you feel more energy. There must be something different, better than it used to be.

(softail925) #31

Can u tell me what is T2D? “having T2D kind of helps me stick with it, because on days when I relax on the carbs, I immediately see what it does to my BG.”


Type 2 Diabetes.

(David) #33

Here you will find all the TLAs.

(Barbara Greenwood) #34

Think about it this way… all those improvements you’ve seen - weight, but also all the health markers and energy and other stuff people experience - are consequences of keto. And to maintain those changes, you need to continue with keto, at least the majority of the time.

So it’s taking a long time to get to your dream weight. Truth be told, you may never get there. But so what? All those health and energy benefits… why wouldn’t you value those and want to keep them.

So, keep calm and keto on!

(Laura) #35

Yeah, but I hate clothes shopping.


Oh…yeah ok, then that’s no fun.

(Barbara Greenwood) #37

I used to hate clothes shopping, because there were so few places where I could get something that fit (size 30 at biggest, recent high 26), so few items in a style that appealed, and they all looked horrible anyway.

Now I’m in an intermediate place. Size 20 - plenty of places stock those, but am still being cautious with styles and quantities. But I do remember a few years ago when I managed to get down to a 16, walking into a ‘normal’ shop and being so overwhelmed by the range of coclours and styles, I just ad to turn round and walk straight out again…

(Laura) #38

Well I have never liked cloths shopping even when I weighed 103 pounds… I doubt I’ll ever see 103 again but it would be nice. It’s a shame I didn’t appreciate that weight when I had it.