Sometimes I get discouraged

(Courtney Lopez) #1

Sometimes I get discouraged that I’m not losing as fast as I would like. I know I’ve come a long way from where I used to be but how do I get over the daily thoughts of being discouraged?

(Guardian of the bacon) #2

Have realistic expectations. If you’re in this for the long haul, which you need to be. Does it really matter nif it takes you a year, or two years, or 5 years to get to your “goal” weight? It’s likely your bodies idea of optimal weight won’t align with your brains version.

In the end does it really matter as long as you have good health?

(Courtney Lopez) #3

Im never going back but i do like visual gratification :slight_smile: Sometimes its weeks before i notice something different…im not a very patient person lol I know this all sounds silly but I still see myself as my old self in the mirror [even though im not]

(Guardian of the bacon) #4

I’ve lost 90 lbs…I still am barely 1/2 way to my goal. I still see the same 400 lb fat guy in the mirror. It’s hard to retrain our brains.


I’m right there with you.

But, I’ve decided to plan the work, and work the plan. I see results and don’t feel deprived. While I do miss various foods, I don’t miss the 45lbs I’ve lost so far.

tl;dr Keep calm, and keto on!

(Courtney Lopez) #6

:heart::heart::heart: At least im not alone


I see the same fat guy in my mirror too, and wonder why my shirts all seem so much longer and baggier now.

(Guardian of the bacon) #8

I think it’s because we are seeing that same guy in the mirror on a daily basis. The change is so gradual. I do see the changes when I look at older pictures.

(Guardian of the bacon) #9

I didn’t see you looking over my shoulder. :sunglasses:

(Kathy L) #10

Are u still losing? I feel Courtney’s pain, as I’ve been stalled for a year! My blood work & blood pressure are normal now -which keeps me from going backward /and although I lost 40 lbs in first 6 months ( been keto for 20 months) I still have 70 to go. I just keep on keeping on -rarely cheat. And if I DO cheat ( holidays) I haven’t gained anything! YAY!!! VICTORY!! I’m just starting to look at hormone imbalances & just began tracking carbs strictly. ( I wasn’t counting anything -and was enjoying myself - but it’s time to investigate the cause. I did find out thru using Cronometer that I was having significantly more carbs ( those sneaky buggers) & not ENOUGH fat -even tho I thought I was having plenty! So -I DO feel the pain! Keep calm & Keto on!! ( I’m trying!!LOL)

(Dustin Cade) #11

I’m almost 60lbs down from 421, I know exactly what you’re saying! I know I’m thinner, but it’s hard to see…

(Courtney Lopez) #12

Losing slowly but surely…just started fasting about a month ago with tracking macros meticulously. I used to have pcos, i no longer claim it! I just think i need to start exercising…i think its psychological for me that if I’m not exercising them I’m just not making progress…which isn’t true but mentally it is to me.

(Kathy L) #13

Good for you! We will get there!!

(TinaW) #14


(Kathy L) #15

For some reason, fasting doesn’t appeal to me (at least consciously) I do have days where I don’t eat because I’m just too busy, and really not hungry. so I guess I DO “IF” But I never tracked my macros closely at all - and initially lost 40 lbs. So here I am, anxiously awaiting a few pounds to drop after a year stall - and decided it’s time to be more careful! So I am tracking everything meticulously with Cronometer. (love that app!)

Exercising is difficult when we’re overweight - but the desire to move will come with your body’s healing. Don’t let it get to you psychologically! :slight_smile:

(Dustin Cade) #16

I must admit when starting the first 10 lbs were huge, the more I lost the more excited I got… though once you hit that 50+ mark it really does become real… Co workers take more notice to what and how I’m doing it… one coworker thinks it’s crazy in eating cheese and butter, pepperoni, other random food I pack for lunch… but won’t even consider the science sound… oh well I guess

(Andrew Anderson) #17

Encouragement comes from how I feel. I have faith the science of my body will work itself out if I remain consistent. In the long run I can be healthier and as a bonus inches will fade. One good meal decision at a time.

(Kathy L) #18

LOL - I’ve been sneaking butter on cheese for quite a while - and my husband (non-keto / but should be for his high cholesterol (he’s not overweight)) saw me do it one day. NOW - when I’m slicing cheese to chomp on - he always has to tell me: “don’t forget to put butter on that!” (smart ass!)

He has heart disease in his family - and asked his doc if he could get off statins (because several people, including me have told him he shouldn’t take them) so the doc ordered a Heart Calcium Scan. He HAD been eating what I cook / and I did occasionallyask him if he wanted a baked potato with his meat/meal. So MAYBE his health was beginning to improve… but his calcium score was 78. His doc didn’t want it over 75 so they DOUBLED his statins!!! *sigh He doesn’t understand the science, and is not interested in nutrition / reading about it / watching YouTube videos / listening to podcasts - and really doesn’t like it when I comment about not eating something because it’ll have too many carbs. *sigh - *sigh - So - I cook how I want, and occasionally buy a loaf of bread for him.

According to WebMD - a calcium score over 100 is more high risk:

(Courtney Lopez) #19

Over the past year ive lost 45 lbs…im at 197 now trying to get to 155 150…im going to get there before my 35th birthday in November

(Courtney Lopez) #20