So, kale.... oooops

(Jill F.) #10

I dont know about everyone else, but I did not get all of these curves from eating kale, lol! KCKO


LOL! Me either. But seriously, baked kale with olive oil and sea salt is SO DANG GOOD!

(Edith) #12

What’s your recipe?

(Natalie) #13

Ikr! Its like fasting or keto some how fixes our taste buds when I had my cheat day on my birthday everything tasted kinda gross or just ok which is weird, becuase I has hyping this food to be soo amazing when it was just ok or overly sweet. I found out carby foods are just ok tasting and to be honest just eh no big deal.(Ok I will have to say the only thing worth it was the icecream i had lol)

(Natalie) #14

Girl now you got me craving kale chips XD

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #15

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, three cups of cooked kale contains 18.76 total grams of carbohydrate, of which 14.2 g is indigestible fiber, so a net of 4.56 g of digestible carbohydrate. You didn’t do as bad as you think.

(Natalie) #16

oh wow I thought kale was higher in carbs lol


Oh, yay! Thank you. Every reference I could find was higher. I figured there had to be fiber!

I also can’t stand sweet foods, like real sugar food, anymore. We were recently at Disney and I had 1/2 cup of sugar free ice cream and I could barely stomach it. I think our palates do change once we kick the sugar habit.

(Scott) #18

You’re still under 40. Even if it does kick you from ketosis, it would be for an extremely short time I would imagine. I wouldn’t worry about it.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #19

Leafy greens are mostly water and fiber, which is why they are recommended for a ketogenic diet. You can eat quite a bit without consequences.


Might check out this thread.

My wife and I decided we’re just going to have birthday steak.

(Justin S) #21

Hmm… Interesting opinions. While I also despise Berg’s sales pitches, and personally produced products, I never found them to detract from the information he presents in many videos, and especially recently, they aren’t even in half of them. His background doesn’t mean that his explanations on the interplay between electrolytes are incorrect or even misleading, amongst other similar topics.

I find it truly confusing that people blast him for not being a doctor while lauding DeLauer, a healthcare admin background, and Cummins, an engineer, both of whom helped me in my initial stages. Hopefully they’re only upset by the misleading name. I am surprised to find this out.

However, I never take a single source as hard fact, and have vetted many of his videos with concurrence from several of the other trusted sources mentioned, including Phinney, Fung & Berry (amazing bluegrass band name, lol). The hate seems unwarranted in my opinion, but I could see it stemming from Berg jumping back and forth over the sketchy line between “keto bro” advice vs scientifically sound advice.

Anyways, it’s good to know the general opinion, even if I don’t agree with it 100%. DeLauer’s content so far this year has been terrible. I’ve lost a lot of respect for him. Constant pitching of products now. Berg has been the most helpful in figuring out my own electrolyte issues. So I will keep him in my crew of video consultants for now.

Thanks for the link, very deep considerations I clearly need to make about some of the things I learned from it. I have a solid keto base for myself now, so I don’t follow them as much anymore. I may have become a little too lazy in my critical research.

(Jessica) #22

No one has gotten fat from kale. Chocolate covered kale…maybe.


Heck, I don’t agree with myself 100%. :slight_smile:

Excellent comments, @Justin_S. I’m glad you shared this.

I hope we see (and hear) more from you around here. It will be good to keep us on our toes, with level heads. :+1:

(Bob M) #24

My thoughts on kale:

To me, I’ve only found one way kale is edible:

Otherwise, it’s like leather.

(Bob M) #25

Forgot the link to the shirt:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #26

Holy Kale, my coworker was wearing these socks today. What a coinkidink!

(Randy) #27

A lot of people have a big problem with his connection to scientology. It makes no difference to me. As an athiest, I care not what made up story anyone chooses to believe. :rofl:

(Justin S) #28

Right there with you. While I don’t support Scientology and actively abhor many of their practices, I am not going to use it alone as a means to discredit someone. If I chose to go that route, I’d have to do the same for any religious person.

However, I am not a fan of him calling himself a doctor if he isn’t truly one, but rather a chiropractor (I haven’t looked into this yet). That has given me pause and a newfound reason to approach his advice with a bit more skepticism and keen critical thought.


Except Scientology isn’t a religion, it’s not like Islam, Judaism, or Hinduism, it’s got nothing to do with a people’s cutural beliefs, it’s a cult. But I’ve made my opinions on Bergermeister clear in the past and won’t retread that again. At least not tonight.