So I made brownies and ice cream

(Allie) #1

Used this brownie recipe -

And this ice cream recipe -

And it was really good… but made me feel awful with a horrible stomach, felt sick and had bad diarrhoea :weary:

There’s nothing in the ingredients that I haven’t used plenty of times before so no clues, however I had the same outcome when I made cookies a few weeks ago with this recipe -

The only correlation between them is the erythritol I used, but I’ve been using it for the last three years. Not so much in recent months as I very rarely want sweet things, so could it be that my body for some reason just can’t tolerate it anymore?

(Ashley) #2

I’m assuming it could be after not having it for awhile. Ketoconnect talk about it that type of sweetener doing it to them when first using it until they got used to it. And megha even says if she has too much of that sweetener she still gets stomach aches.

(Allie) #3

I don’t remember having any issues when I first started using it, but I think you’re right. It’s so rare I have sweet things now, I may just ditch them altogether to avoid this.

(Ashley) #4

I didn’t use sweeteners the first two months and then slowly started to, I can tell when I have it my tummy hurts some, I think it’s also stalling me so I’m cutting it out as well!

(Allie) #5

We have to listen to the messages our bodies send us.

(Brian) #6

I made some of Megha’s chocolate gelato ice cream a couple of days ago. It’s so easy, and it is really good, as in seriously decadent. As far as I’m concerned, it can stand right along side of any commercial ice cream and not need to be ashamed of any kind of weird taste or texture. It’s really good. (It doesn’t have to be chocolate, either. It makes a wonderful base for most any kind of ice cream that you like.)

That said, it’s very rich. It’s not something I need to be eating a lot of.

Interestingly, I had made some keto chocolate muffins that we had for supper the night after I had made the ice cream. So fate would have it that the muffins met the ice cream in a very special way. :smiley:

For the first time since going keto, it clicked! I ate cake and ice cream!! I knew I could have keto friendly versions if I wanted to but for some reason, my imagination just never took me all the way there.

Cake and ice cream was always the fare of birthdays, it’s just what you had. And I’ve had over 50 of them so it does get to be a bit of a habit. It pleases me that I can now do it totally guilt free, and keto, too!

Like I said, I don’t need to be doing this every day. But for a special occasion, you bet your bippy, it’s gonna happen.

(Beth) #7

@Shortstuff It happens to me too when I haven’t had it for a while. My doctor said it’s to do with the enzymes that process it during digestion. Your body dials back production of that enzyme if there’s no regular, consistent need for it. Same with enzymes that break down fat/protein/carbs. If you haven’t had something in a while (fasting), she said it helps to take a digestive enzyme blend when you eat that thing again. She said don’t take them all the time because you want your system to take over and do it, but it helps rev up digestion after a break.
You are great at listening to your body and it has helped me pay better attention to my own.:smile: grateful for you. And my fiancé says thank you for those awesome looking recipes.

(Allie) #8

Thanks for the info @KCKeto :blush:
I always take digestive enzymes on the first couple of meals after fasting so have them available. Actually they’re my dogs (meant for humans but they help him) but I occasionally steal them :joy:

(icky) #9

Which brand of enzymes do you give your dog, Allie?

(Ashley) #10

I tried the brownies as well, I don’t usually do much sweeteners, while they tasted great, I also had bad bathroom and sick feeling. Is a shame because their awesome brownies, I just must be sensitive to that much sweetner

(Allie) #11

Solgar, ox bile.

(She had one feck to give and that feck is gone.) #12

Too bad I don’t live in the UK anymore. I’d swing by and take this “problem” off your hands :smile:. Looks delish!

(Allie) #13

It really was good! :heart_eyes:
Just didn’t like me… :anguished: