So hungry/dizzy/hangry

(mole person) #41

Oh… excellent point.

(Bunny) #42

Freeze frame: This is one of the biggest mistakes people make and that is this three meals a day thing (a type of social motivated circadian rhythm or hook) the brain is wired to this timing. Here is what I would do and that would be to eat when your hungry forget about all that B/L/D garbage, apps, schedules throw it in the deepest depths of the ocean, burn it and start over, listen to your body? You will notice how much easier it is to spread out your eating window truly is and slowly reducing your caloric intake of carbs, fats and proteins. Listen to your body not humans, it knows what it’s doing?

(Bunny) #43

When your first starting out your body will fight the slightest attempt to starve it down to the bone!

(Carl Keller) #44

Looks can be deceiving. @juice is not as abnormal as he looks. :smiley:

(Tamara Bell) #45

thank goodness, someone else has the same deal. Last time we went the more atkins way, by day 3-5 I was so incredibly hungry and yet the idea of eating any of the “approved” foods sounded gross. By that point if I could just have an apple, some pineapple or even some pretzels would’ve been wonderful, yet when I finally did give up (after day 5) I could barely eat any of that. My stomach was messed up for a while afterwards(gas, nausea, bloating).
My husband lost weight each and every day, if I recall (it was a while ago) I gained a lb. I know I didn’t lose anything because I was angry at how miserable I felt and I had nothing to show for it.

For me the foods that start to sound revolting are things like eggs, meat, cheese, olives. Normally things I’m okay with but after the first day my body goes into revolt and is doing the no thank you, that needs to be ejected.
As of today I had keto style porridge for breakfast, hard boiled egg. Lunch I’m not really interested in anything. I had a cheese stick and a sausage stick for a snack and everything else sounds unappetizing. So round and round I go into not eating enough because nothing sounds like something I would want to put past my mouth.

(Tamara Bell) #46

But at this point, I’m dreadfully hungry but nothing looks appealing. My body right now says “have some pretzels and a ginger ale and your upset stomach will feel better” but that is not allowed on this, right?

(Tamara Bell) #47

Problem is I don’t have time for the breakfast. Combining egg and tuna to me(just to me, to you it might be fine) sounds pretty icky. I thought we couldn’t have dressing as it is too high in carbs?

(Bunny) #48

Start off with the pretzels and ginger ale then slowly introduce the fat protein and more keto foods, take it easy on yourself and your body will love you for it, remember your fighting with leptin resistance (hunger and reward signaling; what’s making you hungry) and take it slow?

(John) #49

Egg is optional. Some people like egg salad. Just a suggestion. You can use chicken instead of tuna, leave out egg, replace the chopped celery with chopped green peppers, or just not make tuna/chicken salad at all and eat something else.

There are plenty of low or no carb dressings. They are usually full fat. You can make them yourself if you want, or just read labels and pick one you like.

Here are a couple of brands I have used.

I also sometimes buy just general “non-keto” dressing that may have some small amount of sugar, or be made from a seed oil. Serving sizes are small enough to where I don’t care about a single gram of added sugar in a 2 Tbsp serving. I like Litehouse Blue Cheese dressing.

You can eat quite normally, just minus sugar, grains, starches.


I get very hungry when I start. For about 3 days I overeat but as long as I have kept my carb low (20 net carbs( I know that about day 3 ketosis will set in and my appetite will be lower. I think that the body is very used to accessing easy sugar energy and it will ask for more food because what I am offering it does not feel right but it will soon enough. But those first few days are a bit tough.

(Megan Johnson) #51

So true, it sounds like classic keto flu. Keep up the electrolytes to help. Think bone broth, and salt.

(Megan Johnson) #52

If you gave only been at it a few days. You may still be adapting. It takes a while for you body to relearn fat burning.

Also, if you are tapping off carbs, you will not want to go high fat yet. You can think of protein as the necessary parts of the diet and fat/carbs as the fuel. When one is high the other must be low. Because when both fuels are high you store all of it as fat.

You won’t really start to fat adapt until you bring the total carbs under about 150g, and you may be in ketosis in a consistent manner until you are under total 50g. Either way it wim

The way I eat higher fat is by incorporating higher fat meats, high fat nuts, avocados, fatty bacon and primal mayo. You don’t have drink you fat just to hit macros.

You’re brain fog may subside with introducing salt and electrolytes.


Of course you’re hungry, you barely ate 1300 calories! EAT! This isn’t a low calorie diet! No need to do that to yourself.

Because the miserable part is short lived and well worth it, search for keto-ade, (I’d recommend flavoring it)make it and drink the crap out of it along with eating enough to keep you full, it will make the switch WAY more tolerable. Going low calorie, and higher carbs lands you in metabolic purgatory and can last forever. Not enough carbs to run on carbs, not enough lack of carbs and fat to run on fat. Not a place you want to be.

Unrelated, but that’s because they suck at everything they do! Can’t wait for all the last mile delivery companies to run that tax fed slush fund out of existence! Wife just got a notice today that they “couldn’t access” us to make our delivery today… yet filled our mailbox! Amazon had no issue with the stuff that came from them!

(Jane) #54

Eventually you won’t want breakfast after you are fat-adapted.

You can make your own mayo - super easy if you have a wide-mouth mason jar and a stick blender. Then add spices to it. Or oil and vinegar is always an option and you can make this up yourself also.

Zoodles are good, too. Spiralize some zucchini and saute them with some butter and a few onions and spices. I like to add curry to mine.


You do know you need to cut your carbs down right? If you don’t, you will continue to sugar burn and feel horrible. 20g a day.

(Jane) #56

I totally agree. I know some do better easing into ketosis but I’m of the “rip the bandaid off” camp and get it over with quicker. Why prolong the suffering?

(Tamara Bell) #57

Yes I do know. It’s just previously I went completely right into it and felt horrible 5 days in which is why I quit last time.


    December 11

You do know you need to cut your carbs down right? If you don’t, you will continue to sugar burn and feel horrible. 20g a day.

I totally agree. I know some do better easing into ketosis but I’m of the “rip the bandaid off” camp and get it over with quicker. Why prolong the suffering?

(Laura) #58

I agree thatvtrying to step down the carbs is going to be miserable. That is like trying to quit smoking gradually. You are just setting yourself up for failure and making yourself miserable at the same time.

I had terrible Atkins flu when I went low carb about 10 years ago, but it subsided and I have never looked back. Getting the electrolytes and taking it easy while adapting is the bestvthing to do.

There are tons of recipes out there. I always used for induction friendly recipes. Many of them, I make to this day because they are delicious.

Also, I do all my cooking for the week on the weekends, so meals are easy. Lately, I have been drinking Keto Chow for 2 meals a day, but I will soon go back to cooking lunch again.

Good luck and just go for it, but be prepared for a little discomfort at first.

(Tamara Bell) #59

How many days of discomfort should I look for? Last time, 5 days in I was still miserable, starving, hadn’t seen a carb in what felt like a decade, was craving chocolate like crazy and had non stop headaches from morning to night. And I couldn’t eat much either because it all would make me gag.
So far all I’ve experienced with lo carb style is misery. I’m just wondering why so many say after a day or two and they’re right as rain.

To me after about 2 days I’m becoming more and more miserable. (this time hasn’t been so bad as last time, I will say that but I’ve also allowed myself around what the app has told me to go with, 60 carbs the first day, and then yesterday I had 58)

My Mom and Dad did Atkins, my Mom never talked about discomfort, just about the joy of losing weight painlessly. My Dad on the other hand disliked it thoroughly. He lost some weight but he bounced back and forth back and forth. He had 2 months in, shakes and weakness and he told me at one point he could never eat enough protein so he was always hungry so I’m wondering if there is any correlation/body type/blood type/etc etc. Now the funny thing, My hubby started on Sunday and he’s reporting none of what I am. Says other than feeling a bit tired, he’s fine and not hungry.

He’s been eating almost the same amount of food as me.

Last night we had pork chops, steamed broccoli with cheese sauce, and cauliflower rice (yuck). I ate all my broccoli, picked at my cauliflower rice and then shoved it down with large glasses of water and tried to consume the huge pork chop and found myself feeling completely unfilled and miserable after dinner. Righteous because YES I ATE a completely carb free dinner, and yet completely feeling gross and still hungry.

(Running from stupidity) #60

Well, cauliflower and broccoli have carbs in them, but not too many, and they’re basically incidental carbs.

My basic rules to start:

  1. Clear the house of carbs (if possible)
  2. track your food intake (teaches you what is and isn’t sensible to eat in terms of carbs)
  3. eat plenty of real food protein/fat (keto is not a calorie restricted eating system)
  4. keep carbs under 20g (make sure you do this)