Sleep, what actual time and how does it work?

(Mark) #21

I typically do not have an issue with falling asleep. My issue staying asleep and then feeling rested the next day. I usually go to bed and fall asleep almost right away around 7:30pm to 9:30pm each night. It just depends on the night and what I am doing that night. I ALWAYS wake around 2am and typically cannot fall back asleep. I am a Supervisor of a department at a 24/7 production company. Instead of staring at the ceiling I just head in to work to see my night shift crew and then head home around Noon. I like this schedule but only do it because I can’t sleep any later. And my eyes usually would burn all day starting about 3 hours after waking and I would be incredibly tired and have no energy. About a month ago I started taking a morning pill stack on an empty stomach. I eat TMAD, first meal when I get home around Noon. The pill stack consists of B Complex, PQQ, Ubiquinol and NMN. Now that I am a month into it I feel night and day better. The burning eye issue has gone away. I feel energetic and rested when I wake(still around 2am). And that rested feeling lasts throughout the day. Placebo? IDK. But I’ll take it. My diet is basically 100% carnivore. I do the occasional fermented food like kraut but that is rare.

(Jim) #22

Fascinating, perhaps that’s simply your innate sleep pattern. It seems quite beneficial, as I tend to do the same by waking up and immediately getting out of bed to start my day.

I also believe it may be related to the beginning of my keto journey. I feel an abundance of energy that needs an outlet of some sort. I’m considering giving up caffeine for a while to see how that affects me.

(Mark) #23

Yeah I stopped the caffeine a couple months ago as well. Maybe my adrenals are healing.

(Jim) #24

That’s great to hear! How’s it going for you? I’ve been gradually reducing my caffeine intake. Following the keto diet has made it much easier for me to wake up with energy in the morning. Exercising without caffeine is tough, though!

Have you noticed a lot of benefits?

(Edith) #25

I only drank caffeinated beverages in the morning and no more than one per day. Even with such a small amount, when I gave up caffeine several months ago, I found I have more sustained energy throughout the day and I sleep better.

(Mark) #26

Yeah I have found the same as @VirginiaEdie. A lot more sustained energy throughout the day without the burning eyes and my sleep has seemed a lot more restful. Although I don’t get more sleep and still automatically wake up around 2am every day.

(Jim) #27

That’s amazing! Quality of Quantity. Looking forward to see the results as well :wink:


I am a night owl. I have been a night owl since I was a child. I needed to be up before 7AM but would be sent to bed at 9 and would be staring at the ceiling for hours. I could not read because I shared a room. As a college student my absolute most productive time was 11PM -1AM. I would often study all night and did not have a problem staying up.

I now work asynchronisley and my kids are grown so I do not have to be up at a particular time. I am usually up until around 2AM, I like it. When I was pregnant with my first, I had a weird thing where I would be exhausted by 9 or 10 but could not sleep past 6AM. My eyes would snap open and I would be wide awake (not how I usually am first thing in the morning) even on weekends. During the week I did not have to be up until 7 so it was really weird. I learned to try to enjoy mornings but I just don’t.

I still can stay up late for work. What is harder is getting up early for a meeting. Interestingly I find I cannot exercise in the morning. I belonged to a couple of racquet sport leagues. I signed up for a morning play because my friends were doing it. I also play at 7PM. Even playing with the same people, I play much better in the evening. My back hurts first thing in the morning and I am stiff but not later in the day.

I do drink coffee but not until noon because I have an eating window. I have a second large cup no later than 5PM. I stop eating around that time whenever I have nothing special going on. When I do eat carbs it always makes me tired. I also get cold from the eating window and that makes it harder to sleep but blankets help. In terms of helping me get to sleep, always melatonin. I also read on my kindle (set to warm) in bed and that usually makes me fall asleep after a couple of pages. Takes my mind off whatever I was worrying. I think people are natural early or night owls. My husband has forced himself to get up early and he now like taking time in the morning. The minute he is on vacation, he is up until all hours even if all we are doing is watching TV at home. A natural night owl