Skipping dinner for the win


you got staying on whatever plan you choose issues.

If this is correct and you have not gotten results you want then you are walking that line of not staying on plan.

and believe me, I was ‘I am extreme low carb’ til those days I wasn’t and wondered why my cravings kicked in and I failed and more.

SO in all that time, all those years what are your best results you have held til now?

from this post I get ya on thinking your eating window will save ya and it has, we all can get instant results thru commitment but long term commitment to a plan is what only works so?

What am I missing in that first post about you that means in those years you are not quite there there yet and what results have you achieved and held?

more info please LOL

(Stickin' with mammoth) #22

Sadly, it’s not thinking that’s keeping me up… It’s a no man’s land of chemical interference–hopefully a temporary reorganizing of same. I literally cannot think, cannot brainstorm, cannot do anything but lay there and stare. You know that period when you wake up in the morning and just sit on the end of the bed sort of dazed and hovering in between consciousness and unconsciousness and your eyes are wide and glazed and fixed on something random on the floor and you feel like hours are passing in minutes or vice versus? Welcome to my bedtime. Trust me, this is not normal for me. I’m usually out in five minutes.

I think I’m seeing microscopic improvements, though.


all this can be easily about your food intake IF YOU don’t have med issues or medications or issues we don’t know…just saying…an elimination menu of zero carb could show you alot, but you have to wanna walk towards testing of you on eating plans ya know? sending healing vibes your way :slight_smile:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #24

I’ve spent the last six years painstakingly implementing countless elimination diets, troubleshooting horrible side effects and symptoms, and conducting n=1 aerobic and anaerobic exercise experiments, all during menopause, to arrive at where I am today. I did it without medications, without doctors, and without being bullied into believing that, since it was taking so long to see the results I desired, I had “staying on whatever plan you choose issues.”

(Stickin' with mammoth) #25

I’ve found that eating the most fat in the last meal of the day makes that evening fasting window go a lot smoother. Your mileage may vary.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #26



so how great are you on what you desire for change?
ur initial post: Keto since 2016, coffee carnivore since 2019.

see massive red flags here and I will call you out in only the fact I been there and walked it but if ain’t you…sorry and disregard :sunny: you either go all in or just keep the cycle of crazy going down? I was in that cycle of crazy and failure over and over til that day someone told me ‘do it or don’t bother’ ya know :slight_smile:

No one here will just fuel the addiction without your changing for real in your own life, we can never do that for you.

Time to take stock of you personally and be responsible to that change you desire.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #28

When projection trumps reading retention.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #29

Three weeks in and I’ve found a rhythm with skipping dinner. The trick is eating enough before that, that was what was causing the cortisol spiking and serotonin disruption. I’m finding that a strenuous hike or other heavy physical activity before 3 PM necessitates occasionally breaking my fast in late afternoon to keep my sensitive system from overloading. No worries, stats are still on track.

Psychologically, this has been a breeze. At first, distraction was necessary, but now evenings are just a very relaxing time when I can focus on whatever I want. I’ve been turning it into the self-care segment of my day with meditation, uplifting You Tube videos, and stretching. Beats dinner, hands down, and–Bonus!– I’m saving money.


(Butter Withaspoon) #30

That’s awesome baconmecrazy!! And inspiring. Dinner is creeping earlier but not there yet

(Robin) #31

Hey @Aqua_chonk You mention menopause earlier. Are you in the midst of it or beyond? I have wondered how “periods” of hormonal fluctuation/readjustment would react to changing to a keto diet.

“Elimination” diets: Many of us eventually learn which foods need to go bye-bye, even if they have a been a beloved staple. I finally realized nuts and veggies triggered flares of my diverticulitis. Oh, how I miss my macadamias and greens. Oh well… another one bites the dust.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #32

Thanks. And good for you, even an extra hour of fasting helps.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #33

The hot flashes all vote “midst.” However, I’ve noticed the heat dysregulation, as I’ve come to call it, happens during or immediately following stress, never randomly. I’m monitoring it for patterns and attempting to tease my conclusions apart from other physical conditions I’m also balancing.

(sigh) I really want to get to a place where I don’t have to think about all this crap anymore.

(Robin) #34

Yeah, stress could easily trigger mine “back in the day”. I gave public presentations all the time, and while I wasn’t stressed about the event, I would stress about having a hot flash during the event. So I did. Every flipping time. I’d just say… “enjoy the waterworks and welcome to menopause.” The audience would quickly be on my side and I would relax and get over them quicker.

BUT… the real deal… The Middle of Night Put Your Head in the Freezer?!!! Totally hormonal. And totally thrilled to have them behind me.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #35

I find they are only present during a cortisol spike. That’s the hormonal tango I need to cut in.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #36

I heard Doctor Noakes say once that he had to eat as much as he could, as fast as he could, during his intermittent fasting window in order to get enough calories for the day. He ain’t wrong.

Turns out, “eating to satiety” is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Evening intermittent fasting has dampened my hunger signals to the point that I’m getting shaky and dizzy from lack of fuel throughout the day.

Eating when I’m not hungry just makes me sluggish and if I raise my fats macro any further, I’m gonna hurl. I hope this is a stage but it better shift soon because I have a lot of projects involving heavy physical labor knocking on my calendar door…

(Robin) #37

You may want to stop the intermittent fasting for a couple weeks to see how that affects your appetite and energy… staying keto,of course. But you can be very successful without any type of fasting. So maybe just follow your day’s lead for awhile regarding when and how often you eat.
Also, we often will have something that works super well for us, suddenly no longer work! Then we re-evaluate and adjust. It should (I believe) feel kinda “organic: and be a process that feels natural, not forced.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #38

You may want to read my original post again.

(Robin) #39

Right you are! I Can’t even find now what I was referring to… maybe not even your post. I would like to blame this on having just gotten over covid, but it’s not the first time I went on a tangent for no logical reason. Sorry about that. I enjoy your posts immensely.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #40

First month down. A few glitches but I’ll figure them out. Still finding it beneficial to break the evening fast after a day of heavy physical activity rather than try to go to bed shaky and woozy.

I’m calling it Intermittent Intermittent Fasting.