Skinny fat guy pre-T2DM Keto Woe, high unsut. fats

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #21

I don’t know what the situation is in Oz, but here in the U.S., all the pharmaceutical companies either own health insurance companies or are owned by a health insurance company. And the big chain chemists/pharmacies are in there, too, either as owners or subsidiaries. It’s completely incestuous.

(Alec) #22

Ah, I didn’t know that. Well, that explains one of the biggest mysteries around keto and low carb for me… why on earth are the insurance companies not funding research to make people healthier? Surely it is in their interests that we are healthy… but apparently not.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #23


(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #24

Sorry, I’m wandering off again. I’ve seen this point a few times and it’s bothering my understanding of Fat to Protein ratio!
Please point me in the direction of an appropriate thread (or explanation)
My beef steak (only 5g/20g) plus butter and cream etc … I’m still not getting enough fat. :man_shrugging:
My terrible lack of newbie understanding again :scream:

(Michael) #25

Bit of a long read (and I am biased to the author) but here GNG, protein and blood glucose re-visited

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #26

As Benjamin Bikman explains it, the metabolic state of the body is regulated by two key hormones: glucagon and insulin. They work together to determine whether we are in fat-burning or fat-storing mode. So the key to our metabolic state is not actually insulin by itself, but its ratio to glucagon. Glucagon is what stimulates ketogenesis by the liver, insulin inhibits ketogenesis and tells the body to metabolise glucose instead, and to store any excess as fat. Both hormones are made in the pancreas, in the Islets of Langerhans, glucagon in the α-cells, insulin in the β-cells.

Her e is a video by Prof. Bikman, discussing how the two hormones work together:


There is such a drug…anounced UK this week.

15% weight loss.

(Apologies- I didn’t read whole thread.)