Siobhan's Show

(Khara) #1

What?! No thread on @siobhan 's show yet?!

Great job Siobhan! I really enjoyed hearing your explanations. You’ve a great, easy to listen to, conversational style that is making the topic of lipids more accessible.

I plan to listen again as a lot is still over my head and I just keep hoping it’ll slowly soak in and click over time. I really look forward to hearing more from Siobhan on the podcast! A series would be great!

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #2

This show was incredible! I listen to the podcasts in the car during my commute and I had to back it up over and over…it was too much to digest in one-go whilst driving! Looking forward to more @siobhan

(Mark Rhodes) #3

I listened at work and found her depth of understanding incredible. I went and read her blog right away. My question is based on what I heard, if fats are indeed part of the immune system could a deeper understanding help predict flu and other airborne illnesses?

(Khara) #4

Yes. This would be great to get a better understanding of. This is actually what lead me to Keto originally. I noticed I was contracting more colds and flu’s during times of overindulgence in sugars. It got to where I was sick every month in the year prior to going low carb. I now can’t remember the last time I was sick.

(Michelle) #5

I thought this show was great, but I need to re-listen to it!!

(Siobhan) #6

This I don’t know the answer to… yet.
To clarify, I wouldn’t say exactly it’s the fat that is fending off certain types of bacteria but rather the carriers (lipoproteins).
From what I’ve read so far VLDL (and other lipoproteins) are used to help fend off infection etc, but also that this is very dynamic so may not be great as a predictor just because there are so many other factors to consider (fasting? exercise? other injury? stress?)
Because LDL has so many functions in “the system” it makes it a tad difficult to use as a good marker for much by itself, at least as far as I’ve seen, except that for example inflammation of some sort is going on, and even that is not perfect and has to be combined with other markers.
But who knows! Perhaps in the future the status of our lipoproteins (along with other markers) may tell us far more than it does now. :slight_smile:

I think it does warrant more study though and it is certainly a very keen and interesting question!

Also thank you all for the great feedback! I have gotten quite a bit that it requires a few listens for it to really sink in - hopefully that is a good thing! If you have any specific questions please do feel free to ask on the forum, twitter (@siobhan_huggins) or on facebook (/siobhan.huggins.509) all are open to everyone for contact and I’m happy to answer questions if you have any :slight_smile: (But to warn you there is plenty I still don’t know, and I will freely say so!)

As for a series… I’m not so sure about that :wink:
But I do expect I will return as a guest on 2KD at some point, and happily so :slight_smile:


Wow, I know I need to go have a listen to this show as soon as I can pay attention and soak it up. And then re-listen no doubt. Thanks for all of you who have brought it to my attention…I’ve fallen behind in my listen and learn time lately with so much work and then busy vacation times too. (busy vacation…so weird!)

(Linda Culbreth) #8

Looking forward to listening to it.

(Mel Soule) #9


Since you covered macrophages so well in the show I thought you might find this new article today 10/1 of interest in Scientist

(Siobhan) #10

Sorry I didn’t see this until now… really great article. Several months later and I’m still infatuated by these guys!