Sigh, really unhelpful talk

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #41

The whole milk not only tastes better, it is better. But not as good or as tasty as whipping cream!

(LeeAnn Brooks) #42

I think a big part of the problem is that LF seems logical whereas Keto seems counterintuitive.

For instance the “logic” that fat makes you fat.
I mean, it’s called fat, right? And as the old adage goes, you are what you eat. I’ve even read that on this forum in regards to grass fed, organic, free range something or other.

I recall an Oprah episode where a doctor had a bunch of glass stomach displays. In each one was 500 calories of a particular food. For example, 500 calories of butter in one, 500 calories of ground beef, 500 calories of cheese, 500 calories of rice, 500 calories of broccoli. Each stomach contained progressively more volume of food. When he got to 500 calories of fruit, instead of using a stomach, he had it overflowing in a basket to illustrate that it wouldn’t fit in the stomach.

His whole point was we should pick foods that we can fill us up with the least amount of calories, so fruits, vegetables, rice… and avoid those that we would have to eat large amounts of to fill us up, thus consuming far more calories like butter, cheese and beef.

Of course this ignores that fat triggers satiety far better than carbs. It also operates on the premise that calories are bad.

But visually it looks sensical.

And then of course it’s on Oprah, so many people are going to give it much more weight (no pun intended) than it should. Never mind all her own forays into various unsuccessful diets.


Yes it’s really frustrating. I’m a teacher and get a parade of kids offering all kinds of sugar. It’s sweet but once you’ve said I don’t eat sugar they just look disappointed.
Sometimes it’s not worth fighting. I take it, thank them and throw it out. That small cheat will give me a migraine so there’s no temptation even if I kind of want just a tiny bit.

(Justin Traer) #44

I love the confrontational approach to the situation! Good for you.

(Kern) #45

STents and statins: They don’t work. Just keep them sicker.
Stay away from low fat.
Have your blood work done, and then when everything is all ok, challenge your coworker to see their blood work.
Ancel Keys was wrong.
Ketogenic diet was used in 1923 by Dr. Joslin Boston…to treat Types 1 AND 2 diabetics. And look at the macros. Look him up.

(Kern) #46

go get 'im
its pure fat.