Should we be drinking more booze?

(Brian) #21

I hope this won’t be offensive as it’s not intended to be. But I was just having a discussion with someone else a little bit ago on a Facebook forum about the topic of drinking alcohol. It was a discussion about whether the “wine” referred to in the Bible was actual wine or whether it was grape juice. The conclusion we came to was that it was indeed wine. There are many Biblical passages that speak quite harshly about the overuse or misuse of alcohol. But at least one passage in the New Testament encourages someone, a well respected church leader, to take a little wine for their stomach and other ailments. Apparently, it had it’s proper place in that setting and a little was not considered a bad thing.

I know many aren’t all that interested in that particular source of information but I did find it interesting in light of the current conversation. Again, not intending to offend.

(Running from stupidity) #22


And agreed, it’s “wine” in the general sense that we know it, but not, I suspect, in the strength and so on.

(Doug) #23

There wasn’t any Surgeon General back in biblical times. You know they partied hard.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #24

Emphasis on condemning misuse of alcohol. There are plenty of other verses that refer to wine as a gift.

I read recently there is evidence ancient cultures regularly drank watered down wine. I tried it and if you get the ratio right it’s not bad.

Nor were you driving a gigantic weapon (if misused) after having a few. Donkey knows the way home.

But bad decisions have consequences no matter what era you live in, thus the caution.

(Brian) #25

I’ve heard something similar fairly recently. I haven’t tried it. Have only tasted wine once and really didn’t care for it all that much. It wasn’t watered down, though, so who knows if that might not have been more to my liking.? I have wondered whether at least to some extent, the little bit of alcohol may have been an ancient version of chlorine, a way to kill some of the bad guys in water that probably wasn’t nearly as pure as we might like to think. (Just speculation off the cuff.)


Yeah - traditional wine has antibacterial properties and it’s been officially studied and everything. The massive scholar and medical professor emeritus Salvatore Lucia MD did a lot of published research on this and more. His interest started as an immunologist looking for cholera prevention remedies in sub tropical settings, interestingly enough. Apparently just a few tablespoons of wine added to a canteen of water then ‘steeped’ for an hour, purifies drinking water from infectious threats.

Of course, modern industrial vineyards regularly doused in Monsanto roundup (napalm) and the wine they produce vs. traditional artisanal biodynamic slow-fermented enzyme-rich wine is a whole other subject - with very different biochemical profiles and different impacts on the microbial health of the topsoil in the vineyards. Big Ag governments continue to marginalize small farmer winemaking in favor of standardized and highly profitable industrial processes and partnerships, including GMO vines (covered well in the film about artisanal Italian and French small farmer winemakers and permaculturalists, called “Natural Resistance” which I just watched the other night!)

It’s gotten to the point that the live yeasts of artisanal fermentation in wines, cheeses, and salamis are being outlawed by the EU Agriculture committee on behalf of increasingly far-right governmental values and fear-mongering about traditional foods production practices, permaculture genetic biodiversity, and human cultural diversity too. In the U.S. of course, traditional raw milk based cheese and yogurt is very hard to find in many states, and often illegal.

I count it as one of my life’s many blessings that there was a period of time some years back when I was able to sip live-fermented traditional wine and partake of raw milk cheese simultaneously. An ancient cuisine going back 3000 years!

(Doug) #27

My great-great uncle Mulescius used to drink with his donkey. :slightly_smiling_face:

A family tradition going back to my great-great (times a couple hundred thousand) grandfather Thag and his pet dinosaur.

There is an incredible pantheon of wine, from the horrendous to the life-changingly good. It can be quite a rabbit-hole to go down, and unfortunately can get quite expensive.

(Running from stupidity) #28

Oh, look at Mr Casual Understatement over there!