Shapa scale

(Lauren Lake) #1

Anyone else trying this?

It’s a scale that doesn’t tell you your exact weight. Instead you get a color. Green means holding steady, Teal is making progress, Gray is going the wrong direction. If you really want to know your weight, it shows you a 10-day average buried a few menus deep in the app.

It starts with a learning period where it figures out your typical day to day fluctuations, and then adjusts for that when giving you your score. Ladies, it can also adjust for your monthly cycle.

I’m at my goal weight and working on body composition, so I’m trying to keep my readings in the teal color. The last couple of days I was just green, so I’m throwing in a 24 hour fast.


It sure is nice looking, and an intelligent way to address the psychological probs and/or confusions of numerical weighing for those who weigh daily - particularly females due to the all the miseducation about weight, body image, etc (I don’t weigh, but this nice-looking invention made me consider it, lol). For the non-obese, keto is about recomposition of fat and restoration of muscle mass, not merely weight, etc.

But, it’s not a freestanding scale - requires fee-based use of their app and ownership of a smartphone used whilst standing on the scale which interacts via EMFs. Def not my cuppa tea.

(Frank) #3

I have always weighed daily and have never suffered any psychological problems associated with it to the best of my knowledge. Can I assume that you meant that “some” people may have trouble understanding daily fluid fluctuations versus overall trends?

(Cindy) #4

That would be a very cool scale, but I, too, don’t like that there’s a monthly subscription fee and it’s tied to an app. Why not create a scale that gives you all those options without requiring a smart phone? How many people would really network with family and friends to create challenges and such?