Seeking Keto Cacao Nib Insights! Share Your Wisdom! 🍫

(Gary Teh) #1

Hey fellow keto foodies! :avocado::heart: I’ve been enjoying cacao nibs in my keto diet lately, and I’m curious to hear about your experiences too! :thinking:

When you shop for cacao nibs, what do you look for? :seedling::leaves: Are there specific brands or qualities that you prioritize? Do you check for organic, sustainably sourced options or certain nutritional aspects? :yum:

I’d love to know what matters most to you when choosing cacao nibs for your keto journey. It’s always great to learn from each other and discover new hidden gems! :hugs:

(Robin) #2

Welcome, Gary. This a new one for me. Will be anxious to read the responses.

(Gary Teh) #3

Thank you for the warm welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #4

Personally, I avoid chocolate in all its forms, because of the oxalic acid content. When I first went keto, I would take unsweetened chocolate and make a kind of fudge with heavy cream and artificial sweetener, then I got so I enjoyed the blocks plain, without sweetener, and now I just don’t bother. I find that the less I burden my system with oxalates, the better I feel.

However, if you want such a product in your diet, there’s no reason not to have it. Just be careful to count the carbohydrate in against your intake limit. Cacao nibs are roughly half carbohydrate by weight, so if you eat a lot of them, the carbohydrate will quickly add up.

(Gary Teh) #5

I see. Makes sense. Thanks for the insights :slightly_smiling_face::pray: