Science, Weight, and Waistline?


I know a marvelous science-focused mind here will be able to answer a question for me, because I feel there must be a logical fat cell, biological answer. It has been nagging at me a bit. So here it is: How is it that I am just past my previous lowest weight (from a couple year ago, dieting the harsh way) and yet this time I am nearly two pants and one top size smaller?

Now granted, not all clothes are made the same, but I wear enough of the same brands to make this obvious. And I pulled a couple things that fit from before and they are baggy. (Not a complaint!)

What gives? Is it all in the fat cells? Are they just shape-shifters?


Scales are lying liars that lie!

Gaining muscle? Losing belly fat (internal) preferentially?


Hahah!! I like all three of those statements.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #4

Muscle and bone are denser than fat, so you have probably gained a bit more, while having lost quite a bit of fat. Also, if you had visceral fat (in and around your abdominal organs) before, you probably don’t have any now, which would also help your waistline considerably.