Scaling back my training

(April Harkness) #1

Sharing my ig post as i do not want to retype. Ppl think i spend hours in the gym. I do not. I have decided to focus more on oly lifts with just one day for kettlebells.
I find i am stronger in my oly lifts, i sleep better, my body composition is actually better and i can focus on what really makes me lean- what i do or do not put in my mouth. Easier to fast 4 me as well. Plus past years of overexercising, especially cardio has caused binge relapses.

(Scott) #2

Especially when I was trying to use cardio and weights to create deficit I was focused on adding more miles each week. The secondary goal was to eventually do a full marathon. As I have gotten more comfortable with keto WOE I started questioning the logic of beating my body up. It also intrudes into my available time. I now take the weekends off so I can sneak out to my woodshop at 5:00 am and get an early start. I have plenty of time during the week to get my fitness workouts in. Exercise for me is more about becoming and staying fit and less about conquering the next barrier.

(Allie) #3

More doesn’t always mean better, less works really well too (maybe even better).