Saying farewell to things


(Rein) #1

So here I am! Hello guys 'n gals. Happy I found this forum.

Short introduction: 30y/o, been struggling with keto for about a year and a half now. Sometimes in keto for a month, sometimes off for weeks. Reason for trying keto: I feel/felt bad. I feel/felt tired. Seen doctor, had blood tested twice, am ‘healthy’, seen shrink, am ‘healthy’, but still: tired. Exhausted. Ugh. Life is great, but still it feels like such a burden, physically. Noticed how food, and especially lunch with lots of bread, felt like a smack on the back of the head every day. Started Googling around. Read up on keto, read The Art and Science of Low Carb living, and there I was, telling myself: this might be an answer.

And it is. When I’m doing great, eating my avocados, bacon and whipped cream, I feel lots better. I probably don’t have to tell any of you that. When I get off, because I lack the discipline, well, things go down hill from there. I start getting more and more exhausted, stomach and bowel cramps, gain a couple of pounds, work out less, yada yada.

So much for the ‘short’ introduction. On topic:

I’m having a lot of trouble saying farewell to my beloved beer. The golden goodness. You see, I don’t know where y’all are from, but back here in The Netherlands, we drink beer. Beer is cheap. The average bar sells 30 types of beer. I love beer. All of it. But… we aren’t made for each other.

I assume most of you have said farewell to many things. But how do I do this? Is it a ‘goodbye forever’ kind of thing, or do we let ourselves indulge every, say, two months? How do we grieve? Do we replace, or just walk out the door without looking back?

Looking forward to your answers and insights :slight_smile: and, again, happy to be aboard!

(Casey Freeman) #2


I share your love of beer, especially the local craft beers that are now available everywhere. I’ve been Keto since July 2016, have lost about 60 lbs and am near my goal weight (currently 200, aiming for 190). What I found was that I could not lose weight with beer in my diet, but that i can maintain my weight and quickly return to Ketosis with a couple of beers on the weekend. It doesn’t sound like your goal of Keto is to lose weight but to “feel better”. Once every couple of months I’ll treat myself to a pub crawl or some type of “multiple beer” event. I usually pay the price, but then just buckle down and Keto on. It is all about choices, and I choose to enjoy a good beer every once in awhile. At some point I may say farewell, I did for about 6 months last year, but for now I enjoy in moderation and it hasn’t set me back.


(matt ) #3

I gave up beer over a year ago and oddly enough I don’t miss it. Feeling bloated and crappy is just not worth it any more.

Find a no carb drink that you enjoy and go with that. I like vodka and seltzer with lemon or lime.

(Keto in Katy) #4

I tend to view it like @caseyketo — find out if there is a way to make it work so you can enjoy both. You may have to limit the beer in order to consistently feel good, but maybe there is a balance to be found. We need to enjoy life.


When I went gluten free before going low carb, the hardest thing to contemplate “never ever” having again was doughnuts. And ya, I still miss 'em, but I’ve drawn that “line in the sand” so there’s no debate. As I waffle between keto and low carb, though, it’s more of a struggle, because I can let some sugar creep in and then rationalize that I’m still low carb so it’s ok :-/ I am ok with artificial sweeteners, but haven’t yet drawn that hard line for actual sugar as a “never ever” item.

(Dustin Cade) #6

i too used to enjoy a nice whiskey or good beer… i stopped, i dont miss the bigger tabs out to eat or going out to see friends… life is cheaper without it…

(jilliangordona) #7

I know no one likes this answer, but it really comes down to trial and error for you, in my opinion. I would advise you to take 2-3 months (if not more) totally going off of it first, and let you body really become fat adapted.

90% of the time I follow strict keto. But every once in a while (specifically when I go camping) indulge in a beer. Keto has made me such a lightweight that one is really all I need to enjoy! It doesn’t effect me vastly, and I always go right back to keto.

Like what was said above, everyone does keto differently, and its about choices.

(chris.coote) #8

I have to agree that you often think you will miss something more than you actually will… I didnt think I could give up Ace-K, but three weeks into it, the temptation has fallen to the wayside.

That doesn’t mean that you are a failure if the way you get by includes a beer every once in a while. But I think a lot of us would want to encourage you to try and see :wink:

Or worst (best) case, move to Australia where I hear there is at least one brand that extends fermentation to lower the carb content…

(Mike W.) #9

This is my basement. Over 100+ bottles collecting dust. I don’t want to get rid of them. I know I can still enjoy the occasional beer or enjoy myself at a beer share without going overboard. If I do, I fast. It hasn’t stalled me more than a day or so and I’m right back to losing weight. KCKO

(Rein) #10

Thanks for the replies.

I guess the best place to start is to tough it out for a couple of months and perhaps, like many of you say, I’ll grieve less than I’m expecting right now.

If not, I can try to incorporate an occasional beer, and perhaps use a fast to get it out of my system.

I run a lot too, and I notice that for me, running a distance over 10k is a great way to dive right back in to ketosis when I indulged. This is however also a pitfall, too many carbs make me feel ughhh and then I end up not running at all – or to the bathroom.


I used to drive a truck for a beer distributor and bought it at cost. Needless to say I drank a LOT, was also a craft beer snob so I always wanted to try EVERYTHING! Needless to say it’s liquid bread and beyond terrible for you so I had to make the call. Beer or health and feeling good. Nothing wrong with some rum in Coke zero or whiskey once in a while.

(Arlene) #12

I have gone through the process of giving up most of the foods/drink I love. I’ve never wanted to deprive myself of indulgences. Life is so full of the uncontrollable “ugly” stuff. Food/drink indulgence seemed like something I could keep to make me happy. Sadly, the body rebels more and more over time. Eventually I had to choose to give up the food/drink indulgences I thought I could never live without.
I’m happy to say I don’t miss these junk foods much, and if I give in to a “want” thought, the pain payment is so huge that the joy of the moment becomes JUST NOT WORTH IT anymore!
Stick to your resolve and watch the magic happen. You will feel so much better.

(Cleaning Miracles) #13

I have been Keto for over a year. I’ve gotten both my sisters and several friends to come over to this woe. My pep talk after the 1st week is don’t focus on what you can’t have, focus on everything you CAN HAVE! Butter, Bacon, Avocado, Ribeye…
Also not to mention you get energy, movement, sleep… Did I mention Bacon!!