Savory fat bombs


So I recently discovered that I’m eating WAY too much protein, and am restricting calories too much. I’m planning on starting IF in a week (have a business trip coming up, don’t want to start IF while on that). So I’m going back and looking at my previous meals and I’m seeing that all of them are not high enough in the fat/protein ratio.

So I’m curious what high fat add on’s you add to your meals?

(Siobhan) #2

Melted butter, sour cream, high fat homemade dressings, hollandaise sauce, high fat desserts like custard or ice cream (homemade), high fat sauces like alfredo sauce.
There are also some high fat savory fat bombs on if you search for fat bomb on the site

(Ren) #3

My dressing is a fat bomb. 3 tablespoons of olive oil or avocado oil, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, herbs de provance. That adds about 350+ kcals, 42g of fat, 2 net carbs (from balsamic vinegar)

I use this on salads and avocados and sometimes a small drizzle on hard boiled eggs.


That sounds really good! Thanks

(Siobhan) #5

Also here is a post I made a while ago about higher fat:protein ratio recipes that aren’t drowning in sauce