Salami crackers are AWESOME!

(Danielle) #1

We only discovered these a couple of months ago and they have quickly become a regular for us. Perfect with a keto dip or a slice of cheese. YUM.

(John B) #2

I’ve made these with pepperoni slices!


Did this for the super bowl. Slathered on some goat cheese, yum.

(Clare) #4

That’s me hitting up Lidl on the way home…they look ace!

And I thought I’d hit the top of the world with cheese crisps.


Careful tho’, those lovely things are addictive too. Hard to stop eating them once you get started. Salamis have become one of my favorite things. Along with cheese crisps.


Here you can watch a salami blood sugar response

(Pete A) #7

This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Salami is a perfect food I’m gonna DO THIS!

(Danielle) #8

Very interesting. thanks for sharing. Much more stable than the other 2 you showed in the graph. I think I’ll go make some salami crackers then.