Rosie Doyle


Originally published at:

Daisy's latest extraordinary woman, Rosie, talks about how LCHF has not only reversed her rheumatoid arthritis but also helped her control her addictive eating tendencies and lose weight.

Rosie Doyle is originally from Yorkshire and now lives in Edinburgh, with her husband and dog. She works as a management trainer and personal development coach. She was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2016 and rediscovered LCHF in order to lose weight before a consultant appointment. To her surprise, not only did she lose weight, but her remaining RA symptoms of joint pain, muscle cramps and fatigue disappeared. She was able to come off the most toxic autoimmune drugs, which had failed to control her symptoms, and finally normalise her inflammatory markers. Thanks to LCHF she also lost 24kg in excess weight and has finally learnt to manage her addictive eating tendencies. She now wants to spread the word about the health benefits of keto and campaign to change orthodox nutrition advice through her Facebook page.

Get in touch with Rosie and follow her on Facebook:

Facebook page @lowcarbhedonist

The books Rosie mentioned in the podcast:

Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution Robert C Atkins

The Obesity Code Jason Fung

The Diet Delusion (UK)

Good Calories, Bad Calories (US) Gary Taubes

Protein Power Drs Michael & Mary Dan Eades


Paleo Medicina Clinic

This week’s end quote was recommended by Katie Breedlove and is from Dr Seuss…

You’re in pretty good shape for the shape you are in.