Reversing fatty liver

(Steve) #61

I guess it would really depend on whether you fill out that space in the first place (then the corollary would be true). It’s certainly true that if you eat smaller meals, your stomach will shrink over several weeks - meaning that it would take less food to give you the feeling of satiety.

I always figured that when the abdomen gets larger, that the body would move to fill that space - but maybe the inside stays the same size and the excess is entirely your fat store. Mind you, larger framed people should have larger organs and a longer canal (everything tends to be at scale). If there isn’t an increase as we gain weight, then that means I can expect the same experience from the “big jug” as in the past. :frowning: (not thrilled about that…due for another one next year).

Yeah, I think the Golytely jug is only a gallon (seems like it’s a lot bigger when you make it up) :slight_smile: Considering how much water I drink, that’s not that much. :slight_smile: I’m sure it seems like a lot, as you’re to do go through it in a fairly short period. (following drinking a lot of water).

(Alec) #62

Hi, do you mind if I ask whether your dr is doing anything specific re your kidney cyst? Apparently I have them as well, dr seems quite happy as they are not growing.


I went to see a kidney specialist, and he said I really needed to see a urologist. I asked what the urologist would do, and he said, “Probably nothing.” So I didn’t go. Sometimes you wonder who medicine is supposed to be benefittng.

(Alec) #64

Thanks, that’s interesting. I had a scan (can’t remember exactly why), and the results came back with 3cm cysts on each of my kidneys. It was a bit worrying at the time. Dr didn’t tell me to do anything in particular, but wanted me to come back 8 weeks later for another scan. I did so, the cysts were identical in size, and therefore he concluded they were not growing, and therefore could be essentially ignored. He said these things are quite common, and rarely harmful. But if it’s growing, they would need to do something about it.

if anyone has a view on this, I would be grateful for any further information on kidney cysts.

(Madge Boldt) #65

Hi @Alecmcq
Polycystic kidney disease runs in my family. With this disease, your kidneys form cysts on top of cysts until after X years your kidney function declines and by age 60 or 70 you require dialysis or a transplant. When I found out my mother had this, I had an ultrasound of my kidney to see if I had the disease. The doctor called with the result and I was relieved to hear that I did not have it. As I always do, I stopped by to pick up the report. To my dismay, it said I had 2 cysts on one kidney and one on the other! When I called the doctor to inquire, she told me that a few cysts are normal as you age. At 50, if I had pkd I would be “carpeted” with them.

People with PKD also grow cysts on their liver and some other organs, but those organs can handle the cysts and they are not a problem.

All of this to say… A few cysts on your kidneys is considered benign. I wouldn’t worry about them unless you have a big one you can feel. I never give mine a second thought. Here is a short blurb about simple kidney cysts. Simple kidney cysts

(Alec) #66

Thank you!! That is really helpful. God, I love this forum!! :slight_smile:

(Ruthanne Robertson) #67

Prep for Colonoscopy- my GI docs don’t use the big jug (Golightly, HAH!), anyway, now they use Magnesium Citrate, Dulcolax and Miralax dumped in a pitcher of Gatorade or Propel Fitness water for diabetics. It is much better than the other stuff.

I’ve also been getting Colonoscopies since my mid-30s (Mom died of Colon cancer). I just had an EGD/Colonoscopy a couple days ago. I had to do a 2 day prep which was exhausting. It really worked though, Dr said my prep was excellent. Good news is no trace of any problems with a healthy pink colon. One thing to cross off the list relating to my recent pains and GI woes.

(Steve) #68

Yeah, I think I’ll help things along and do a 3 day fast before the next one…that way there’s very little to be flushed out. :slight_smile:

(Ruthanne Robertson) #69


I was diagnosed with this a few years ago, but never told the significance of it. I had the usual cluster of conditions- morbid obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, T2D, hypertension, high triglycerides. I started Keto over a year ago and have lost 115lbs since my heaviest 4 years ago. Most of that weight came off last year. My A1C has been in normal range for a year, blood pressure meds cut in half, still on metformin. All great outcomes.

About 5 weeks ago I had a sudden bout of extreme diarrhea which I chalked up to some questionable prosciutto I had at lunch. I have not been the same since. Basically I’ve been nauseous about an hour or two after eating, I can’t eat much because it gets uncomfortable. My stomach feels like it’s pushing up into my chest. I have a deep pain beneath my right ribs behind my breast, which radiates around to the back below my shoulder blade. It spasms muscles something fierce. I’ve also had a persistent pain in my lower left abdomen. And extreme constipation. None of this is normal for me.

I’ve had sonograms, MRI, PIPIDA scan for gall bladder function and now colonoscopy/upper endoscopy. I do have gastritis or irritation to my stomach lining. The GI doc said that food poisoning can cause IBS and take months to normalize. He did take tissue samples during the EGD. I won’t know those results for a few days yet.

Everything looks is fine on the scans, but fatty liver still present. I was hoping keto would have resolved that by now, but I did have it for years. My tests all say liver is normal size, but I still have that pain, it gets worse after I eat lunch. I’m wondering if inflammation of the liver doesn’t show up on scans, but can sometimes cause pain.

It looks like I need to eat leafy greens even more than I already do.

(Ruthanne Robertson) #70

Good idea. My doc recommended lighter eating three or four days before the procedure to make prep “easier”. Fish, chicken, ground beef, cooked veggies and stuff like that. I wasn’t eating much anyway so the lack of food for several days is starting to feel almost normal.

(Lane) #71

My liver doctor told me fatty liver rarely causes pain. And that’s how I discovered mine. So after he diagnosed me (NAFLD with NASH) I wondered what the pain was. Then it occurred to me, my husband had suffered a bout of costo chondritis and so I decided to treat my pain like it was that, using ice every night, avoiding lifting for a week or so. And after months of pain, it finally went away.

(Ruthanne Robertson) #72

My pain is actually deeper than the ribs and isn’t at the sternum where they connect. I’ve had the right sided back pain below the shoulder blade for months. That actually was reason for a sonogram back in February to look for kidney stones or gallstones. I did think it was muscle related at first when it was just in my back. I couldn’t figure out what I might have done to cause it. I thought maybe my swimming, but that made it neither better nor worse. Also pain relievers haven’t had any effect whether OTC or prescription. Plus, I haven’t been swimming for 5 weeks now. I can’t imagine it’s muscle related because it never changed for months and only got worse when my GI problems began. I just don’t know.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #73

[quote=“fischersd, post:68, topic:37520”]
Yeah, I think I’ll help things along and do a 3 day fast before the next one…that way there’s very little to be flushed out. :slight_smile:
[/quote] This sounds like a great idea. I haven’t really fasted yet but I have heard other people say really light eating and at least fasting one day will help.

(Steve) #74

I’ve done a couple 72+hr fasts and a 6 day fast thus far. Doing a multi-day fast at the moment. (did the “changing it up” thing of feasting for 3 days beforehand that Megan Ramos suggested). Partly to try to heal my hernia. Not sure how many days I’m going to fast for yet. I’d like to do it for at least 7 days…longer would be better to maximize the healing from autophagy.

@Ruthannie - I try to have a big (3+ cups) salad of healthy greens every day in a home-made vinaigrette dressing (made with Bragg’s apple cider vinegar). I also have a water with 1T ACV, 1tsp each of lemon & lime juices before every meal (or twice a day when I’m doing OMAD).

(Ruthanne Robertson) #75

The only caution I was given by my Keto friendly Doc (who follows Dr. Fung) was that if I fast longer than 2 days, we need to adjust my metformin.

(rachna) #76

Hi Richard, I am new here and been on Keto since about 10 days. Just trying to understand and learn as much as I can. Reversing a fatty liver sounds wonderful. Is there a place on here where I can read more about this? Thank you in advance

(Troy) #77

Some ( new video ) info here from Dr. Jockers

(Sunny) #78

wow this really encouraging! thank you!:heart_eyes:

