Reversed my pants size

(Bob M) #1

Well, I bought some 34 inch waist pants as my “goal” pants this weekend. I tried them on this morning, to see how far away from “goal” I was…and I’m wearing them now. I was not expecting that.

So, I went from 43 inch waist pants (or possibly higher, though I have a set of 43s in a suit in my closet) to 34 inch waist pants. I’ve reversed (switched?) my pants size!

It’s taken almost 6 years, but better late than never, I guess.

The bad news is these are the only 34s I have. All my other pants are 36s, though many of them still are OK (and many aren’t – too baggy).

(Susan) #2

Congrats, Bob, that is terrific =).

(Marianne) #3

Congratulations! Isn’t it wonderful when you look at something new and think, “I can’t fit into that yet,” and then you do?!

I’m kind of in between sizes, too. Luckily, I didn’t buy too many clothes on my way down, but still, I have two sizes of jeans, capris and dress pants and need to go down another size. I will keep them just in case I go up a little (planning on staying with keto for good, so hopefully not), but I did donate my bigger stuff.

(John) #4

I cant equal that trick. No way I could ever get down to a 25" waist.

(Central Florida Bob ) #5

Congratulations, Bob! That’s fantastic.

Since I started at size 44, I can never reverse that size.

I have one pair of fishing/cargo shorts that’s marked 34 (I’m currently wearing) and one pair marked 36. The 36s fall off if I put something in my pocket. I’d believe it if the shorts were marked 36 and 38, but I’ve accepted they’re just weird.

(Bob M) #6

Thank you, All.

That is true about the reversal of size for a lot of people. I’ve seen people who have lost half their body weight (or more), but at my max I weighed around 250 pounds, and there’s no way I can get to 125 pounds.

I have a lot of 36 inch pants that fit well, if they are not baggy in the legs. So, I’ll be in 36s for a while.

However, I got a 36 and the 34 at Costco. They were similar pants, different colors. The 34 was definitely a bit tight, though I wore it all day. I just went to Costo again, and I picked up another pair of 34s…which fit really well. Both the 34s I have are the “stretchy” material kind., so maybe that’s helping.

I know for the 36 inch pants, my wife bought basically all these without my trying them on. So, some of them fit great in the waist, and others were my previous goal pants because I could not get into them. Now, a bunch of them are in the back of the closet, as the waist is too big, or the legs are too baggy, or both. One would think that “36” means “36”, but apparently not.