Reducing a fatty liver from fasting


I watched a couple of Dr Sten Ekberg’s videos on youtube where on one he say that the liver turns the alcohol and sugar into fat which the body can then burn. So I presume the exsess fat by over loading the liver that the fat then builds up

He said on another video that fasting for upto 2 months should reduce a fatty liver. But why so long? When you start running out of food in your small intestine and it becomes empty, that is when fat burning begins right (1-3 days no food). So why dose the body not start to eat the fat on the liver first? Is there a way you can trick the body to do this?


(Bob M) #2

Here’s a study where they did a 6 day keto diet and it helped the liver:

I think fasting might be faster, but just a keto diet will help a lot.