Reduced Appetite

(Dan) #1

One of the most amazing things about this WOE for me is the reduced appetite. I’m 24 hours into a planned 48 hour fast and realized I had a rotisserie chicken in the fridge that I need to do something with. I just finished making it into a big bowl of chicken salad and packing it back in the fridge… And I wasn’t even tempted to sample it!


My longest Fast was 21 days, during that time I kept asking myself “am I hungry or just bored”.

I was not hungry at all, only moments of boredom.


I was doing fine with only eating twice a day (with maybe a snack in between) but yesterday and today is really surprising me. I ate half the amount i usually eat for lunch and just realized that was 9 hours ago - I haven’t even THOUGHT about food since then and just realized that maybe I should.

Now granted, I didn’t feel well yesterday or today, low-grade fever, but that has NEVER stopped me from eating before.

(Dan) #4

I plan on trying some longer fasts. 96 hours is the longest so far. 21 days is pretty amazing!

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #5

Keto is amazing, isn’t it. When I was a sugar-burner, my motto was “feed a cold, feed a fever!”

(Tracie) #6

It’s pretty amazing to have that kind of control. Good job!

(Jon H ) #7

Hey, if you don’t mind taking the time sir, I have three questions.

  1. why does your body need less food after a fast? Is it unhealthy?
  2. Is there a difference to say doing a 7 day fast vs 21 day like you’ve done? Does it really help much more? And also, as someone with very low body fat, is that long of a fast healthy or do you happen to store a lot of fat?
  3. I am a teenager, should I wait until fully developed to fast any longer than say 48 hours?