Recipe and Grocery List

(John Cotter) #1

Hey all,

I’m finishing off a 4 week keto kick off and have been using a food plan. I really like having the generated Grocery list. Just wondering if any one had and recommendations for apps that allow you to enter recipes and plan your weekly meals, as well as generate a grocery list?

(Brenda Soderlund) #2

Paprika. My favorite app.

You can import recipes or enter them manually, make a meal plan and generate a grocery list. You can rate the recipes - although if it isn’t at least 4 stars, I’ve started deleting them.

I have it on my iPad, iPhone and Mac. It easily syncs among all 3. Super easy and intuitive.

(Patrick B.) #3

I really like

And here’s a keto-friendly recipe I have on there! . Note that it’s not mine. I stole it from r/ketorecipes on Reddit.

Also, please make sure that if you are using that you don’t use his nutritional. I’ve caught him a few times not adding it all up correctly. And at least once, he had the same measurement of butter twice in the recipe but had 70 calories on the 1 and 400 on the other. He also didn’t add his stated carbs up correctly. He said 70 and it’s 95.

(Scott Cavendish) #4

We used RealPlans back when we were paleo, but since going keto it hasn’t really been worth the time to sort out the meals. But my wife got an email this morning that they added Keto LCHF. About time! It’s a pretty good website and iPhone app, lets you customize each day’s plan as much as you need, and builds a customizable shopping list that lets you add items not necessarily needed for the recipes in the plan, clear items you have in the cupboard, and split the list between stores. It’s a paid site, which is why I didn’t include a link, but we’re excited they’ve added keto. As of this morning, the site is running slowly, maybe due to an influx of ketoers generating new meal plans.

(Scott Cavendish) #5

Quick follow-up, now that the page is running a little better, I checked some of the nutritional info on some of their keto recipes and they aren’t all true keto, but it’s a start. That’s where it’s nice how you can customize the weekly plans and exclude ingredients in your settings, and still filter out the stuff that clearly isn’t keto.

(Patrick B.) #6

I’m going to give it a go… I used Fresh20 before I started Keto just to get some new ideas and enjoyed that for about 3 months.