Real KETO bike power

(Ritchie Linden) #22

Interesting might have to give that a go, on the devil route you just did how much were you in the red? I asking as over the last couple of weeks, when I do steady state running or cycling im fine with keto, but I was having some issues recovering from beening in the red after 3kms at 12% and the getting my heart rate back to a comfortable rate to do the a further 12km at an average of 8%, and this weekend I found that when I had some carbs before climbing in the red I had no issues…

(ianrobo) #23

good question Ritchie, I probably went deep into the red just the once on a real steep climb.

My stats are here if you like and as you can see until my HR ran out of battery I was 88% pof the time in Z1/2/3 HR and evenly spread across these.

And that is the clue really by training at MAF it has increased my power at lower HR’s so only dip into Z4 or above when I really need it and even then in Z4 according to FASTER a well adjusted fat adapted athlete will be in fat burning zone.

(Mike Glasbrener) #24

Great podcast. Deftly gets it. Basically training while fat adapted increases the rate at which you can metabolize fat. .5gr to 1.5gr per minute. That translates to 4.5-13.5cal/min or 270-810 cal/hr!!! So in the mid to upper range fuel isn’t “needed”. Then pop some carbs for the intense section because you’ll burn then and not get a blood sugar rise…

Very interesting and it explains why you can do an extended ride with so little fuel and not “bonk”.

(ianrobo) #25

exactly it is very efficient way of operating at Zones 1-3, I find this, when I ride at HR 135 or lower (MAF method) it feels so damn easy to when I used to be a Carb burner.

I did do some carbs on my extra long rides but why ? frankly it was just the need to taste something sweet in my mouth, it was not for energy purposes though some of the climbs were very tough. My states are clear on this when you look at them and at our levels we get the MOST benefit …

(Mark Landry) #26

Hey everyone. Glad to find some cyclists here!

I’m about 9-10 weeks into Keto (although I’ve been doing Paleo/Primal for many years). During my first weeks I also learned about and started doing MAF training, first on foot and in the past couple weeks on my bike. I love it! Last week I did a 36 mile ride at MAF rate (except for a few times going up his when it went 10-12 beats higher) and felt completely fine when it was over. I’m 57 and in recent years I’ve been getting nagging injuries that have sidelined me. I’m hopeful that MAF training will not only improve my aerobic base but will reduce the injuries.

The other benefit is that MAF training allows me to focus on my form (running or biking) and enjoy the experience/scenery. I don’t have that voice in my head telling me to go faster all the time. It makes my training fun again. I’m even experimenting with some bare foot running.

(ianrobo) #27

Great to hear and just proves again the methodology.

Just recommend you find out the podcast that Peter Defty did with Brad Kearns, some interesting debate on that one.

(Mark Landry) #28

Yes I’ll listen to that. I subscribe to that podcast but missed that particular episode

(ianrobo) #29

In base terms that in Keto the MAF zone you can add 10-15 bpm to it

(Mark Landry) #30

That’s good to know. Almost impossible to keep to my MAF zone on hill otherwise.

(ianrobo) #31

same for me … so I do not bother as walking is NOT an option for cycling !