I second that. I’m 45 with a shoulder injury and I find that jerky or joint-stressing motion is really counterproductive at this point.
I prefer slow, controlled weight lifting. Think “time under tension”. I use low weights but I take a count of 5 to go up. A count of 5 at the top of the range. A count of 5 to go down. And a count of 5 at the bottom of the range while under tension.
So that’s a count of 20 for one rep. Do that for 10 reps. And do that 3 for sets.
It will take much longer but it’s safer and more effective for building muscle consistently.
Use a low enough weight and be very careful of your range of motion. Get a trainer if you need to for a short period.
I find that elbow positioning is really important. Never let your elbows go back behind your torso.
If you want some solid advice … check out athleanX vids.
Also scooby is controversial but you can’t argue with his gains at his age