Question about fasting blood sugar

(Jarod King) #21

Yep. That’s probably the Dawn Phenomenon I mentioned earlier in the thread

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #22

Have you tried testing at regular intervals after waking to see what happens to your BG?

If you have the supplies, test upon waking and then at 1hr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr. Maybe you’ll be able to see where it changes before eating.

You don’t have to do these times, just choose something that can work.

(Bob M) #23

I started using a CGM (continuous glucose monitor), and what I found was that my blood glucose hit a low around midnight, then rose all morning until about noon, then fell all day. If I ate all meat or meat + a few vegetables, there was no change to this pattern. If I ate a few more carbs (say from olives or pickles or other sources), there were some bumps in the graph of blood glucose, but that was the pattern, and this pattern held even when fasting for more than a day (the blood glucose numbers just go down, so that morning glucose might be under 100 in US units, and I can hit below or near 60 for lows at night).

I have been on low carb/keto for going on 5 years. My HbA1c is around 5.0.’

If you want to see some high blood sugar levels, fast for 36 hours and then go work out. This causes my ketones to plummet and my blood sugar to increase quite a bit. (And if I eat the night before, this does not happen – both are relatively stable.)

There’s no way to add a picture to these posts, is there? I could post a typical day, if I could post a picture.


Thanks for this. Been Keto a year and have seen a rise in morning glucose and even higher after workouts. Ketones lower in am and rise as glucose lowers. A1c is also 5.0, was thinking I’d get a continuos meter but I think the testing is causing cortisol to rise. Need to trust that I’m doing well. And that my Homa-iR is looking good. Glad to see someone else experience the same .


Thanks for the info. Been with Keto x 11 weeks. In past 10 or so days noticed
BS has risen in the a.m. above 100-117 (was on average 86-94). Ketones were
lower, but showing increases to 2.2 or so at same time (lately) as BS taken. Not
really sure what all it means, but the rise is a little more understandable now
(BS). I could also be one of those who produces more insulin from the
pancreas and losing the extra weight has uncovered this trend in my body.
I guess the fasting insulin would verify. Please I hear meds like Statins and
H/B raise BS…both taken at night(for me). Guess uncovering Metabolic
Syndrome in this life change focuses on areas Keto will definitely help:
lower B/P, lower Triglycerides, Lower BS, Lower Insulin production and a
rise in HDL and HDL/Tri ratio.