Purchase question and recommendations!

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #1

I’m interested in MAYBE getting a instant pot. But I don’t know if I’d really use it all that much. Some foods that I make like pork chops, I think would be good cooked this way. So, If you have one and had to do it all over again, would you still purchase one? Did you have a specific reason for getting it?

Thanks in advance for all your help. :policeman:

(Don) #2

I got my wife on for Christmas and she loves it. She has already used it like 6 or 7 times. Sunday she made egg bites with cheese and bacon. We buy some of the cheaper cuts of meat sometimes and make delicious meals. I haven’t yet, but I plan on making bone broth in it.

Yes, it is definitely worth buying. If you are a person of convenience though, you might feel like it is too much.

Hope this helps.


I make brisket, lamb shanks, indian food, chili etc in the IP - yum!

(Jo O) #4

Do not use it for quick/flash cooking unless you only use the sauté feature.

Stick with recipes require a long cooking time.

Braising the cheaper/tougher cuts of meats.
Like Kalua Pig (shoulder), beef stew, chicken thighs/drumsticks, ribs
Soups & sauces that also cook long and low.
Like bone broth, collard greens, meat sauce

NomNomPaleo has lots of good recipes.

(Patty W) #5

I find it has been the easiest way for me to make chicken bone broth, in a shorter time, without the whole house smelling all day. Also, hard boiled eggs are quick. I also agree with the faster way to do cheaper cuts of meat (of course, the sous vide is fun for that too if you’ve got the time).

(jilliangordona) #6

I was given one as a gift and the biggest reason that it was been great is the time! I have little time to make meals after work, the gym, and graduate school. Instant pot allows me to throw everything in there (after browning meat If the recipe calls for it), take a shower and BAM dinner is ready.

Truthfully, if I had the chance to throw something in my crock pot around noon, I probably wouldn’t want one. The biggest advantage is the time for me

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #7

You guys sold me… I pulled the trigger on a instant pot duo pluse. I’ll be cooking ribs Saturday night.

(Andrew) #8

Agreed, really fast and you can buy tough cheap meat and save a few bucks.

(Patrick) #9

I’ve made country style ribs 2x and beef chuck roast in mine in the past month.


i do stew beef in it like 4lbs for 45 minutes and it just falls apart into shreds for shredded beef and i put that into soup. I also can do a 4-5 lbs chuck roast in it for an awesome pot roast dinner in like 50 minutes.
anything you would normally crodckpot cook in hours can be done in minutes

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #11

Thanks guys. Just got my notification that it will arrive on my front door today. I’m already planning some beef shanks in it for tomorrow.

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #12

Beef shanks scheduled for tomorrow then either a whole chicken or some pork ribs.

(Darlea Marneedi) #13

I love mine, I make yogurt from heavy whipping cream too.

(Elizabeth Ikerd) #14

I have had a pressure cooker for years! I don’t think I could ever be without one. I use it several times a week and often it is used every day.
I mainly got it to cook meat that wasn’t very tender unless cooked under pressure. Now I use it for convenience and to keep the heat down (we live in the African desert and any time I have the oven on just adds to the misery!)

I make beef bone broth in just a few hours.
Hard boiled eggs and vegetables are ready in 15 minutes.
Rotisserie style chicken (not crispy, but still delicious!)
My daughter cooks potatoes for mashing or salads.

Could you borrow one from a friend to try it out?

(Rob) #15

When I was over in the UK at Christmas, I saw a virtually identical thing advertised on late night infomercials as a Pressure King

(Ben) #16

I really like mine. I use it for soups/stews/pork joints.
I particularly like the delay timer, so I can throw everything in it in the morning, and come home to something tasty waiting for me in the evening

(Andi McNamara) #17

Hi! Can you share your yogurt recipe, please? Thanks!


I love mine! I have a Breville. I use it for soft or hard boiled eggs (they peel easily), grains for my non-keto family, and meats from our CSA. Seriouseats has a nice collection of recipes which I just keto-ize a bit.

(Darlea Marneedi) #19

No real recipe, I use 3/4 heavy cream, 1/4 water. Follow the directions for the instapot.
I hope this helps.

(Candy Lind) #20

You won’t regret that purchase! If I only used mine for pork shoulders & boiled eggs it would be worth it. I’ve cooked whole chicken - watch the size! Roasters won’t fit in one piece (experience talking here! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), lots of soups, and I’ve got a LOT of bone broth in the freezer. I may have to figure out how to can it so I have more freezer space.:thinking:

A million recipes are out on the interwebs. Solicit suggestions here, or just google whatever specific recipe you might like to try plus the words “Instant Pot” plus keto, low carb, Paleo or Whole30.