PSMF and Fat Supplemented Fast Experiment

(Shawn Cochran) #21

I have never fasted well. I’m also on my feet 10 hrs a day for work so maybe that’s part of it, but it was always a struggle for me. PSMF let me eat some pretty satiating food and definitely burn some fat. Meats I stick to on this are chicken breasts, turkey breasts, tuna fish, pork tenderloin, even ham but I trim off the fat. Lots of leafy greens. I make sure to take a multi vitamin and fish oil every day on this diet. Some recipes I make are some egg white bakes in the oven mixing in spinach and meat, I have an egg drop soup made with chicken breasts, broth, egg whites, and some chives, salads with just a touch of balsamic vinegar. I think the hardest part of this is that it can be bland so use your spices liberally. This is definitely not a long term WOE, but used in short bursts (2-3 weeks) it can be a really good tool.

Marty Kendall at has some food lists there based on goals and types of keto diets plus psmf which will help you keep foods around that are nutrient dense.

(Shantanu) #22

Thanks a ton. This is very helpful.

(What The Fast?!) #23

@Ketobrewer did you ever do the fat fast for comparison?

Also -

The experiment they did was a crazy amount of protein though - something like 3 to 1 protein to fat.

(Shawn Cochran) #24

No. I was going to but liked doing periodic pmsf and it worked for me so I never went back to try it.

(Shantanu) #25

So I did the PSMF for 2 days (4 meals) and had to stop because I felt really lousy by the end of day 2. I think the main reason for that is that I was so worried about being hungry that I over compensated by loading up on salad and broccoli in EVERY meal. The extra large dose of fiber isn’t something my body is used to anymore after 1.75 years of keto and I ended up backed up, gassy (apologies for the TMI) and with a monster headache. I had to scour the streets of Montreal in the middle of the night looking for a 24 hour pharmacy since I wasn’t able to find Tylenol anywhere else. I considered soldiering on on the morning of the 3rd day but I was on the road for work and needed to be sharp during my meetings, so I threw in the towel. The meals themselves hadn’t been terrible (but then it was only 2 days) but the fiber killed me. My next attempt will be with more cooked vegetables (as opposed to raw lettuce and lightly steamed broccoli). I hadn’t expected the fast to be a walk in the park but now I what to really expect. I eat around 1,000 calories and around 150g of protein.

How was your eating experience? Were you mostly hungry or did you have a strategy for combating that?
