Progress on long stall broken -ketones up-weight still going down

(Deb) #1

Just posting to log progress and if it can help others.
GKI before 25
GKI this morning 3.8

Weight previous 144.6
this morning. 136.2. (2 weeks in)

This week is my “to exercise or not to exercise” test. I’d been doing minimal strength training so bumped it up to 30 min all body weights (increased usual amount), then 30 min all out Zumba with 2 lb weights. It has ABSOLUTELY increased fat loss.

Will log again periodically.


Impressive results!

(Deb) #3

Thank you! It was a ling , frustrating year. Had I know about the GKI, or even tested my ketones instead of just doing the same things, it would have been a lot shorter! Better late than never, and hoping to save others from having to go through that.

(Karen) #4

Interesting. I don’t test but have been considering it


(Deb) #5

I tell you what…it REALLY opened my eyes!
I’ve been LCHF/keto (or so I thought) for a few years. Dropped from 210 to 145ish…then bounced back and forth between that and a hard-won 130 for year ( and not a healthy 130 either).
So when I finally found out about GKI, and tested, I was blown away! That’s when I knew that something in my diet was wrong (I had suspected all along but refused to face the demons of foid addiction).
So I started testing EVERYTHING that went into my mouth, and after removing all of them from my diet, here I am.


New to the concept of GKI and I have a few questions. I hope someone will be kind enough to help me out with some answers, even if it is a link to go and get the info myself.

  1. How often should you test

  2. What is the best time of day to test

  3. How long does it take after eating something to affect your ketone levels? For example, I have some questionable food item now and in 1 hour I test my BG to see how it was affected. Would my ketones have been affected that soon?


(Deb) #7

I test only once or twice a week, and only because of the long stall I had and I am basically starting over.
The strips are a little pricey. So I tested 1st time (.2), couple days later to make sure it was changing (.5), end of last week cause I was still losing and KNEW it was higher (.7),
and this morning to see how much of an increase since starting new workouts (1.4).

I’ve tested in the morning and evening both but your glucose levels can be higher in the morning so you may want to wait til several hours after dinner.
As far as ketone levels, someone answered that quite well here:

I just use glucose tests because if glucose is hi, you automatically know ketones will drop. So why spend the extra money on expensive strips?

(Jennifer Kleiman) #8

I picked up a Ketonix cuz I hate paying $1 a strip. Along with my cgm I got tons of data! Makes me a happy woman :slight_smile: