Professional Baker/Chef having trouble at work


(CJ Young) #41

Since I have everyone’s attention, has anyone here every tried the Insect Protein powders? Essentially ‘flour’ made from ground crickets or what have you. I’ve been curious about them for years but never felt like I had any reason to use them. I wonder how they would react? Being so entirely protein based?

(CJ Young) #42

Ok, after posing this just now I did a quick google/read. I’m ordering some. I know it sounds weird but the way they grow crickets to turn into flour is very clean and it’s full of nutrition. Shrug If it makes a good pasta I couldn’t care less that it’s bugs. I’ve only seen where they make pasta made out of cricket flour and more traditional flours but I’ll let you all know if this pans out.

(Consensus is Politics) #43

I’ll pass. Might as well be Mac & cheese.

Just the thought of insects being suggested sounds to me like a famous quote, “let them eat cake”. The cake is a lie, by the way. That cake refers to the part of baked bread that gets tossed out. It’s barely edible, and the “High Bornes “ wouldn’t think of eating it. They probably wouldn’t feet it to their dogs.

Yeah, I know, sounds like a conspiracy theory. But then again, so does telling us that carbs are essential for nutrition. I avoid carbs, kale, and insect based foods. If the government promotes it, they are getting paid by someone to do that. Just like sugar. I can go on and on, and usually do. But I’ll cut my rant short. This just struck a nerve. My apologies if I seemed harsh. Nothing personal. :wink:

Keto Vitae!

(CJ Young) #44

What’s your particular issue with cricket flours, do you have something specific? Is it the ick factor? You alluded to something governmental? I heard about cricket flour in passing years ago and only thought about it now because I’m on Keto. I haven’t felt like the government is pushing this.

(Consensus is Politics) #45

[edit: TL;DR - Bob shows off his tin foil cowboy hat :cowboy_hat_face:]

More of a feeling I get from the government. Constantly (but ever so lightly) pushing these things. So called super foods. Kale being one. Constantly being urged to be made as a staple in every household. Krafts macaroni and cheese (always spoken by brand name too) with its fake cheese. And more recently, as in past couple of years, I have seen congressmen speaking up about world population control and how we should all be eating insects because they are so plentiful.

For me there is no ‘eww’ factor. I love lobster. And that creature is about as eww as you can get. I also love octopus and squid. Although I won’t do like in Korea and eat one alive, now there’s an eww factor!

Over the years, I have grown a great distrust for government. While in the Air Force, back in mid 1980’s, I went to a secret location to aid in the recovery of one of our fighter jets that made an emergency landing. There about a dozen of us on the trip. We had to sign an NDA, that included the following in very tiny print in the signature block. “While at this facility you will not discuss anything other than the aircraft you are here to service. You will not approach any personnel other than your escorts. You will not speak to anyone else other than your own personnel. You will not discuss anything you have seen here beyond the security gates. Failing to follow these directions may result in use of deadly force.” There were so many sign with the words “use of deadly force authorized” that at any one time you could see a half dozen of them from just about anywhere you stood. Creepy as could be. I didn’t see a thing. :wink:

The 2ketoDudes once mentioned something about “anti vaccer nut cases” I think their guest used the term, but they later apologized for it, and I’m pretty sire @richard followed up with the correction, injecting his own opinion as not having one yet because he hasn’t looked into it. Kudos. Looking into it can be scary as hell. Especially when things like the HPV vaccine is being pushed so hard, they want to give it to kids in kindergarten. And the fact you can’t sue vaccine manufacturers because they have immunity. They lobbied long and hard for that. Much like the carb industry has. The Carbhydrate Consortium, The name sounds like something out of 1984 (the George Orwell book, not the year.)

:roll_eyes: ok, there I go again. Sorry all. I’m gonna put a TL;DR at the top!

(Richard Morris) #46

Actually I’m all for the human papillomavirus virus vaccine, personally. My paternal grandmother diet of cervical cancer. My old university was where the research started that eventually developed the first vaccine against cancer.

I think it’s important to make the point that just because we in the low carb ketogenic community are beating a path away from the orthadoxy, and anti-vaccine activists are also beating a path away from orthadoxy … we are not on the same path, we are not even on parallel paths, we are on orthogonal paths that have nothing to do with each other. I am personally focused on trying to reverse our nutritional course. Vaccination is a distraction I’m going to try to stay away from.

(Ellie Baum) #47

For me, it’s about the ekk factor. Although, I was that way with pork rinds too, for some reason. I’ve since gotten over that and use it like flour. I bet it would take some culture shift for it to be consumed but the general public. But I’m now at the point where I would at least try it.

It’s important to remember that people are still at the point where pork rinds are “ekk”. While I’m passed that now, I have a sensitivity towards people who feel that way. But I’d say, go for it. Part of this way of eating is going against the grain (ha, pun not intended) and we are the ones who can say, “it’s not bad, give it a shot”. They may shake their heads and say “no thanks”. We’ll have our pork rind waffles and our cricket flour pasta…and someday, maybe they’ll join us. And then, in a few generations, it won’t be a cultural “ekk” factor anymore.

(Consensus is Politics) #48

I agree with your position 100%. I commended your position when I quoted you didn’t I? If I didn’t, I meant to.

The Keto path isn’t even a parallel path. I believe the two paths might have a commonality in the distrust of self professed experts, especially those that make their money by getting ya to believe what they say is true. My position on just about everything is this… question it. Question the facts. Prove the facts. Back when I was about 10 yrs old, I had clippings from newspapers about things like Bigfoot, flying saucers and Nessie posted all over my bedroom. My dad was concerned. He had a sit down with me and explained a few things. I thought if it wasn’t true why would it be in the news paper? That’s when I found out the “National Enquirer “ wasn’t really a news paper. And that was the day I began to question everything. :sunglasses:

(CJ Young) #49

Yeah, the pork rinds were sort of a ekk factor for me too. Although, for myself, I sort of realized my feelings weren’t so much ekk with pork rinds but more of, “Oh, those are so fatty. I’m not eating that.” But yeah, i mentioned them as a breading option to my coworker and she looked at me like I was insane. It’s definitely a slow burn.

(Rob) #50

Insects have been touted as a salvation for global nutrition for a while now. Sustainable, low input, nutritious etc. That some westerners find it a bit icky is probably irrelevant to its eventual success since many major cultures around the world are already used to eating such bugs whole rather than ground into flour. Most westerners (i.e. non-elites) thrived on organ meats, fish heads and all kinds of things they turn their noses up at these days. Those trends are reversing so why not ground up bugs - after all, it’ll look and taste like pasta?

With the example of the fish protein noodles that seem superior to the konjac, insect protein seems a logical and more sustainable way to go. I’d be fascinated to see how it worked out.


Sounds good to me. But then, fried grasshoppers are a (delicious) thing in Mexico, where I lived for years.

(Vladaar Malane) #52

Taste it yourself for seasoning and spit it out. You might get a tiny bit instantly digested by your tongue, but it’s best solution for you. Just have a container handy to spit it into. I hear that is what Gordon Ramsey does to keep fit.

Now I see, this advice already given. Guess I should read all the posts, this isn’t Keto Facebook, yeesh… LoL

(CJ Young) #53

Lol, Your all good. Gordon Ramsey has literally all the answers. A coworker put some walnuts on a sheet tray, covered them with a bread cloth and the rolled over them with a rolling pin, perfectly crushing the whole lot into nicely chopped walnuts. I was watching this and as she finished I asked, where the heck did you get that from. She answers, Gordon Ramsey. Every time that guy.


“If you make keto pasta that actually works I will make you emperor of the universe”

Hoping very much to crown @carl very soon Emperor of the universe.