Priya Dogra – Indian Keto Coach

(Priya Dogra) #1

My name is Priya Dogra, an Indian Keto Coach and Nutritionist. This is my personal story of success in getting fit and losing weight by switching to a ketogenic lifestyle. The journey has inspired me to share my story with all those looking for inspiration to lose weight and get healthy again. When you are down and out and you feel that it cannot go any worse than this, your immediate safety net of family, friends, and peers plays a crucial role in your fight to beat the odds.
After becoming an Indian keto coach, my story got covered by the Times of India too! I was 100 kg when I started my keto journey, and today I am a happy 62 kg. If you are a working mother like me, a foodie who has had his or her full of junk, or somebody who hates the word gym or exercise, then I urge you to take my word and adopt the ketogenic way of life.

(KM) #2

Which is why we’re all here. Welcome! Hopefully we can learn from each other.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #3

Good Luck Priya and Welcome.

(Priya Dogra) #4

Thanks, everyone! I appreciate your welcome message.