Pounds are finally moving!


I was complaining last week I thought the loss was slow… but its picking up this week… I am settling in to the cooking… still a lot but I think I am just adjusting to a new normal! I am hoping it continues as it is super motivating to keep at it!! I know we should no weigh but I can’t help it!!! For me this is a drastic lifestyle change… so it really helps to see progress.

I am not really missing too many things… I think I miss cereal and milk the most since I can make keto bread, although have not found a recipe I love… I really haven’t been eating it…

I am satisfied so far with what I am eating so I don’t feel deprived… all in all is going well.

My initial goal was to stick to this for 2 months at least… its only been 2 weeks but so far so good.

I have 2 friends that are doing it with me and that is helpful as well.

Just happy this morning!!


@Texgirl that’s great news! Progress is definitely a welcoming sign. I don’t blame you for weighing. I weigh ever day, and I don’t even need to, anymore. Just habit I guess.

I used to be a huge cereal eater (pun intended), and was surprised how easy it was to stop. I wouldn’t worry too much about finding keto substitutes for the things you used to eat, focus mostly on what you know you can eat right now. You might even find some NEW favorites that make the old WOE pale in comparison. We started off thinking we can have fat bombs, Kentucky Butter bread, etc. Now we don’t even bother. Sardines, pickles and cheese is one of my favorite meals!

I’m glad to know you have friends doing this with you, that’s always helpful. Just remember, it’s great to lose weight, but it’s the health benefits you’ll receive from eating keto that are really important. You’ll find plenty of threads here where people are dealing with weight stalls, and it’s frustrating I know, but good health is what will help you live a longer, fuller life.

Hang in there. You’re doing great! :+1:

Thanks for sharing your happiness.


I think weighing every day is perfectly fine if you’re just interested in getting hold of the data. I have a glucometer with unlimited strips paid for by my insurance and some days I’ve been known to take my blood sugar almost twenty times. I obviously didn’t need to, but it’s out of curiosity how different foods/restaurants etc can have an impact on my blood sugar. In the few cases where I seemed to have a spike relative to other readings, the key was that I didn’t freak out - KCKO. It’s the same with weight, I’ve had runs of seeming to put weight on several days in a row when I’ve been doing everything right, and if you’re not fat adapted and truly in the mindset of how this WOE works, you could feel really disheartened from that. Yet if I look at results over a longer period of time you can absolutely see the trends (especially if you use something like http://www.trendweight.com).

I guess it’s like owning some stocks in a company that over the past few years has been doing amazingly well and overall climbing, doubling its price each year. But if you looked at it on a daily basis, or even hourly, you’d see the price being very volatile on occasion and you could get into thinking things aren’t going well and you should sell up sooner rather than later. Nope, it’s just interesting data and a drop in price doesn’t necessarily mean the market didn’t enjoy the latest press release from that company. It could be all sorts of things! You believe in the company, you are invested in the stock long-term, and daily blips don’t phase you. It’s the same with checking your weight.


thanks so much! I agree, being healthy is ultimate goal!! Feeling better… etc. This early in the game it is so nice to know I can have cheese, full fat… cheesy cauliflower is my favorite right now… I could never feel good about eating that before!! I may need to look up kentucky butter bread! Right now finding subs is helping me stick with it but I can totally see how you stop craving those things… already not craving bread as much as I was… we shall see.

I won’t ever eat sardines though!! LOL


Great point about the stock market!! Never thought of it that way… I know I will stall, but it sure does feel better to see the scale moving down since I am new to this and working so hard to stick to it so strictly! And my husband who is low fat, high carb eater… keeps telling me to cut my calories… because I am eating avg of 1600 per day… and if I wasn’t keto I would be eating 1200 if I was dieting… so great to see scale moving and hopefully he will leave me alone!! As a matter of fact I quit tracking for few days… just too much work and I just tracked yesterday just curious since I was losing better if my calories were still around that level and yep they were… so its not low calories that is making me lose!

(Amy Ramadan) #6

Happy to hear you are starting to see progress that’s great!! It’s still early so stick with, but adjustments take time!!! I see where you mentioned bread, and just wanted to share this with you as a great low carb option… Try Joseph’s lavish bread and pita bread!! They are amazing!!! Only 6 net carbs in each pita, they taste great and are very affordable!! Our local Wal-Mart carries them!!! Good luck with everything, and I think it’s great you have friends that are along for the journey as well!!


Thank you for the bread info! I will check that out for sure!!

(Candy Lind) #8

Hide them in tuna fish! :wink:

(Candy Lind) #9

Cutting calories is a BIG MISTAKE when you’re trying to become fat-adapted - you have to eat enough to get past your “insulin wall” (search that and see what you find), so just smile, nod, and KCKO. :+1:


Yeah… I don’t think so!! I watched my dad eat those and I felt like I was going to throw up!!

(Amy Ramadan) #11

Always good to have the option available, should you want it!! My kids made the decision to start keto with me and they love the pitas as well!! They have fun experimenting with food, and have made crackers, burger buns and tortillas out of them!!! Let me know what you think of you decide to try them!! I was honestly surprised at how good they were!!! :sunglasses:


Well, what your Dad ate and what you can get today varies.

These are my favorite, from Walmart. They’re boneless and skinless, and packed in olive oil

The perfect keto food in my opinion.


Is it the sardines you have an aversion to, or fish in general? Because these are like eating tuna fish, to me. And I believe their healthier, because I’m always afraid of the mercury content in tuna.

Okay, that’s ALL I’m going to say about sardines. I’ve made my peace with it. :smile:


wow… thats something… my kid could not survive without mac and cheese, chips etc.!! how do you make crackers out of them? just cut and bake? Thanks for letting me know!

(Running from stupidity) #14

This, totally. I’m a data junkie, so I’m weighing daily. As long as the person doing the data collection is aware that fluctuations are inevitable (and frequent, often), and that the trend is the important thing, I can’t see an issue with it at all.

(Amy Ramadan) #15

My kids have been slicing them down the middle, then chopping them up, lightly drizzling them with olive oil and baking til crispy with just a sprinkle of sea salt!! Probably closer to pita chips to be honest. They eat them with guacamole or salsa for a quick snack!!! I hear ya about the Mac and cheese and chips… I was really stunned that they both decided on their own to start this with me!! Even more surprised, and thrilled they have stuck with it so well!!

(Megan) #16

Hi there, I couldn’t find any information on an “insulin wall” when I looked. Could you please explain that a bit? Thanks

(Candy Lind) #17

Sorry, guess that was just me! :blush:

I used the wall analogy in THIS POST to try to explain why you have to keep your fat intake especially high until you are fat-adapted. There’s “body training” involved, and it takes a while if you’ve been carb-centric for a long time. Sometimes it means you don’t lose much at first after the “water whoosh.”

If that doesn’t help, ask again and we’ll see what we can find that does.