Possible AD blood test - for early detection

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #1


Interesting read. Wish I better understood the article or knew if it can be traced back to consuming too many carbs over time. Some people have started calling dementia type three diabetes. Just wondering if this finding supports this view or not. There is SO much I don’t understand!

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #3

I don’t think the article says one way or another. If you want more info on AD then this site is great: https://www.apoe4.info/forums/

people with the apoe4 gene as a 3/4 have a 30% to 60% change of AD. If you are a 4/4 then it is more like 80%. I believe and am counting on LCHF and other strategies to help turn down the genes or slow the progression for me.

There are a lot of resources starting to point at insulin resistance of the brain as a strong contribution factor for AD.


Thanks! I have a relative with dementia that I help care for, so it’s always on my mind. It’s too late for her, but I sincerely hope that LCHF is preventative of this and other possible health issues.