Podcasts about keto and anorexia

(Bob M) #1

I highly recommend these podcasts about treating anorexia with a ketogenic diet.

This one is with a woman who became a dietician because she wanted to see if something in diet could help her with anorexia. One thing she says that is interesting: for her, there was no “moderation” with carbs. If she ate any carbs, she got anxiety, which made her anorexia worse.

She got to a terrible point in her life and decided to try the keto diet, which of course went against everything she was taught.

She CURED her anorexia. You have to realize that anorexia is a deadly disease, near the deadliest of any eating disorder, No known cure. No real treatment options.

This one has a woman who had anorexia for 15+ years. Cured with keto and ketamine.

This one interviews two people from above and adds three more. The fourth person, a woman, her story is brutal. She was technically dead for 6 minutes. The fifth’s is also tough, but she says her anorexia is cured and wants others to know. The third person is a male, and he also made the observation that if he ate carbs, he got anxiety, which made his anorexia worse.

Multiple people appear to eat carnivore.

I usually do not get mad at dieticians, because I once believed saturated fat and fat in general was evil. But the dietician in the first podcast above gets basically told by other dieticians that she shouldn’t be doing what she’s doing. The woman was basically able to cure her anorexia by eating a keto (and then carnivore? Or carnivore to keto?) diet. If you still believe that everyone should be eating carbs in the face of this evidence, you really should rethink what you’re being taught as a dietician.

(Geoffrey) #2

Wow! That is great. I would have never thought that it could be cured through this WOE.
On the other hand, I was starting to get concerned about my self becoming anorexic because of carnivore because I was only eating when I got hungry and when I started tracking what I was eating it was obvious that I wasn’t eating enough. I just wasn’t getting hungry anymore. But I now eat more and it hasn’t been a concern since.

(Bob M) #3

Well, it was originally thought that you couldn’t give people with anorexia a “restrictive” diet, but there is something about keto/carnivore that makes it address whatever has gone wrong in the brain.

If you can only listen to one of these, listen to the one where he interviews 5 people. Many of those people would hear “voices” all day long, telling them not to eat or eat very little. Much of what they did all day was think about food.

And be prepared to be shocked when they tell you what they weighed or what their BMI was when they were deep in the throes of anorexia.

I’m also using the term “cured” because some of them use it. But, there’s a lot going on in this process, and keto/carnivore is only one part of it. Some have body dysmorphia issues, anxiety issues (partly or completely caused by carbs), etc. They still have to address those issues.

(Geoffrey) #4

I have been reading lately how eating carnivore is helping many with mental disorders so there may be something to this.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

The phrase, “anorexia of ketosis,” has been used in warnings that the ketogenic diet is not healthy. Dr. Phinney’s complaint is that first they say, “Eat less, move more,” and then they complain when we eat less.

Your experience with not eating enough does show, however, that appetite is not a wholly reliable guide until we are eating in the correct intake range.

Dr. Georgia Ede has not given a lecture specifically on anorexia and keto, but she has mentioned in passing that she has successfully used a ketogenic diet to treat anorectic patients, particularly when she was working at the health service at Smith College. (Still a women’s school, for those who are not familiar with the Seven Sisters in the U.S.)

(Bob M) #6

I’ll have to see if there’s anything in her new book about this.