Pili Nuts!

(Lard is Love) #1

So my wife’s friend returned from the Philippines the other day, and it is common for people to bring back “pasalubong” or gifts… this is what she brought for me :nerd_face::heart_eyes:

I can feel the fat of the nuts down my throat as I swallow them. So good.


Have been wanting to try these but I’ve only seen them on amazon and the price is cray cray. I’ll have to stick to macadamias for now.


I would love to try Pili nuts as well because the fatty acid profile is even better (3:6 ratio) than macs, but alas, the price is cray cray indeed. Maybe Glen’s wife’s friend could get a line on those somehow! The new “keto” nut!

(Carol E. ) #4

Some are sprouted in coconut oil. How does sprouting in oil work? Semi-curious.

I had a sample of some plain and spicy. Quite tasty :yum:

(Suzi Smotrycz-Guilford) #5

I sent away for some pili nuts and while they were amazing the price is just too crazy! I think I will have to stick with my macadamia nuts or watch out for the sales.

(Mark Rhodes) #6

When we went camping for a week I splurged and bought these little nuggets of fatty taste bud explosion. They taste really, really good but I cannot justify spending that much having them around the house. hiking trips? Sure.

(Keto Travels) #7

Yeah I picked some up lately as a treat, very satisfying but not something I would want to splurge on all the time …